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Show 246 DR. H. GADOW ON THE [Mar. 15, IV. DlCHOLOPHI. Neotropical. No cervical apteria. Oil-gland nude. Schizognathous. Holorhinal. 14 or 15 cervical vertebrae. Sternum with two posterior notches. Hypotarsus simple. V. OTIDES. No cervical apteria. Downs of adults only on apteria. (Unique among Gruiformes.) Schizognathous. Holorhinal. Sternum with four posterior notches. Hypotarsus complex. Hallux absent; feet cursorial. 16. CHARADRIIFORMES. Cosmopolitan. Nidifugous. Downs of adult on pterylae and on apteria. With lateral cervical apteria. Aftershaft present. 11 primaries. Oil-gland tufted. Aquinto-cubital. Schizognathous. Nares pervious. Rhamphotheca simple. 15 cervical vertebrae (except CEdicnemus and Parridce). Coraco-humeral groove distinct. Furcula with hypocleidium. Peri-orthoccelous, with mesogyrous tendency ; type I. Flexors of type I. or IV. I. LIMICOLJE. Downs of young very simple, brush-like. Hypotarsus with canals. Front toes webbed. Supraorbital glands variable. 1. Chionididce. Antarctic. Schizorhinal. No basipterygoid processes. Vomer broad. Rhamphotheca complex. (Unique among Charadriiformes.) 2. Charadriidce. Cosmopolitan. Schizorhinal. With basipterygoid processes. a. Charadriince. b. Scolopacince. |