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Show 1892.] PHYTOPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA FROM MADAGASCAR. 571 the length of the third, the fourth slightly longer than the preceding joint; thorax about one half broader than long, the sides nearly straight, the surface very little convex, impressed with a few very minute punctures, visible only under a strong lens; elytra much broader at the base than the thorax, metallic green or cupreous, the sutural and lateral margins sometimes fulvous, the punctures very deep and regular, the interstices rather convex, the apex much more finely and distantly punctured; underside piceous, the breast with a metallic greenish hue, the legs fulvous; the femora with a distinct tooth; claws bifid ; prosternum broadly transverse. RHYPARIDA STRIATICOLLIS, n. sp. (Plate XXXIX. fig. 7.) Fulvous, the head and thorax piceous, the antennae flavous; the seventh joint black ; thorax transverse, longitudinally strigose on the disc; elytra fulvous, with basal depression, strongly punctured anteriorly, nearly impunctate below the middle. Length 1| line. Vertex of the head convex with a few fine punctures, dark fulvous ; eyes with a very narrow sulcus round their inner margin ; clypeus separated from the face by a deep transverse groove, rugosely punctured; antennae rather long, flavous, the seventh joint black, the third joint much shorter than the fourth, the terminal joints slightly thickened; thorax twice as broad as long, but slightly narrowed in front, the sides strongly rounded, the anterior angles rather prominent, the disc strongly and closely longitudinally strigose from the middle to the base, the anterior portion sparingly punctured, fulvo-piceous; elytra with a deep depression below the base, strongly punctate-striate, the punctures nearly obsolete below the middle; underside fulvous; legs flavous; the femora with a very minute tooth, claws bifid; the anterior thoracic episternum slightly concave ; prosternum broadly subquadrate, strongly punctured. I cannot find any differences whatever in regard to structural characters to justify a separation of this species from Rhyparida, of which, until now, no true species have been known from Africa. The general shape and that of the thorax is the same, the thoracic episternum is not in the least convex, the four posterior tibiae are emarginate at the apex and the claws are bifid ; the peculiar striation of the thorax will distinguish this species at first sight. HEMYLOTICUS, n. gen. Body elongate ; antennae filiform ; eyes deeply notched; thorax broader than long; elytra punctate-striate, the four posterior femora toothed, their tibiae emarginate at the apex; claws bifid, the inner division very short; prosternum bilobed ; mesosternum quadrate, its base raised, truncate; the anterior margin of the thoracic episternum convex. This genus will enter the section Typophorince, Chap., from all genera of which it differs in the bilobed posterior margin of the prosternum and in the structure of the mesosternum. |