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Show 622 MR. H. J. ELWES ON BUTTERFLIES FROM [Dec. 6, CYANIRIS MARGINATA. Cyaniris marginal a, de Nicev. J. A. S. B. 1883, pt. ii. p. 70, t. 1. 9 3; Butt. Ind. iii. p. 96. Sent from the Karen Hills and Bernardmyo. Agrees well with Sikkim specimens of the spring brood, whilst those taken in the Naga Hills in August and September have all the differences of the rainy season form described by de Niceville, namely, a much broader black border above in both sexes, and larger and darker markings below. CYANIRIS MEL^ENA. Cyaniris meleena, Doh. J. A. S. B. 1889, pt. ii. p. 434, t. xxiii. fig. 13 3 ; Butt. Ind. iii. p. 97. Cyaniris jynteana, Dist. Rhop. Mai. p. 452, t. xliv. fig. 6, nee de NiceV. Several males of this distinct species were sent from Perak, but the female is still undiscovered. CYANIRIS ALBOOERULEUS. Polyommatus albocceruleus, Moore, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 139. Cyaniris albocceruleus, de Nicev. J. A. S. B, 1883, pt. ii. p. 71, t. figs. 4 3,4a 2; B«tt. Ind. iii. p. 98. Sent from the Naga Hills and Bernardmyo. CYANIRIS TRANSPECTUS. Polyommatus transpectus, Moore, 1. c.; de Nicev. J. A. S. B. vol. Iii. pt. ii. p. 70, t. i. figs. 6 3, 6a 2 (1883); Butt. Ind. iii. p. 99, t. xxvi. figs. 170 3 wet-season form, 171 3 dry-season form. A single male of the dry-season form from the Karen Hills. CYANIRIS LAMBI. Cyaniris lambi, Dist. Rhop. Mai. p. 211, t. xxi. fig. 22 3. Three males from Perak, though nearly allied to C. puspa, seem to be distinguishable from it by the brighter blue of the wings, in which they resemble 0. puspinus, Kheil, from Nias; they are quite distinct from C. lavendularis, Moore, from Ceylon, with which Distant compares them, and which I do not see how to distinguish from C. puspa. CYANIRIS PUSPA. Polyommatus puspa, Horsf. Cat. Lep. E. I. C. p. 67 (1828). Cyaniris puspa, Butt. Ind. iii. p. 100. Sent from the Naga Hills, Margharita, and Karen Hills. CYANIRIS DILECTUS. Polyommatus dilectus, Moore, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 136. Cyaniris dilectus, de Nicev. J. A. S. B. Iii. pt. ii. p. 68, t. i. fig. o* (1883); Butt. Ind. iii. p. 107. From the Naga Hills only. |