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Show 1892.] PHYTOPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA FROM MADAGASCAR. 567 EULYCHIUS NIGRITARSIS, n. Sp. Fulvous, the terminal joints of the antennae and the tarsi black ; thorax rather sparingly punctured ; elytra strongly punctate-striate; femora dentate. Length 2 lines. Head finely and sparingly punctured, the vertex convex; clypeus finely rugosely punctate, separated from the face by a transverse groove, eyes surrounded by a very narrow sulcus; antennae extending a little beyond the base of the elytra, fulvous, the apical five joints black, strongly dilated and transverse, the third, fourth, and fifth joints equal, the sixth shorter ; thorax transverse, the sides rounded, the anterior angles rather acutely produced, the surface finely and not very closely punctured on the disc ; elytra not depressed below the base, distinctly punctate-striate, the punctures much finer towards the apex ; femora with a small tooth ; the extreme apex of the tibiae and the tarsi black. This species, like E. dorsalis, Duv., differs from the type in having armed femora; the transverse apical joints of the antennae are, however, typical. The black tarsi and general system of coloration separate the present insect from the other two known species. PHELOTICUS BRUNNEUS, n. sp. (Plate XXXIX. fig. 2.) Broadly ovate, robust, dark fulvous ; the antennae (basal joints excepted), the knees, and the apex of the tibiae black; thorax subconical, very sparingly and finely punctured; elytra finely punctate-striate anteriorly only; femora minutely toothed. Length 3 | lines. Head impunctate, the eyes with a very narrow sulcus at their inner margin, rather deeply notched, the epistome not separated from the face ; jaws black; antennae slender, filiform, extending to nearly two-thirds the length of the elytra, black, the lower four joints fulvous, the third and fourth joints equal; thorax subconical, narrowed in front, the sides nearly straight; the disc about one half broader than long, with a few fine punctures at the sides; scutellum smooth, subpentagonal; elytra much broader at the base than the thorax, convex, with a very shallow basal depression; the shoulders prominent, bounded within by a longitudinal depression ; the disc with a few rows of fine punctures distinct only anteriorly, nearly obliterated below the middle ; underside and legs fulvous, the apex of the femora and of the tibiae as well as the claw-joint black ; femora with a small tooth ; tibiae not channelled, the four posterior ones deeply emarginate before the apex; claws appen-diculate, the inner division very short and pointed; prosternum slightly longer than broad, concave, deeply punctured, the thoracic episternum strongly convex. A rather aberrant species and not typical of Pheloticus or allied genera, apparently allied to P. seripunctatus, Fairm., but differing in the colour of the antennae and legs. |