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Show 262 MR. E. A. SMITH ON THE [Apr. 5, P A T U L A (with teeth, Endodonta). 6. PATULA BIPLICATA (Sowerby). Hab. North of the island. Extinct. A small species with two palatal folds. Unknown to me. 7. PATULA BILAMELLATA (Sowerby). (Plate XXI. fig. 5.) Var. U N I L A M E L L A T A . Aperture with the lower parietal lamella wanting. Hab. Sugarloaf Ridge, rare (Turton). Extinct. This name was also applied by Pfeiffer to a small species of "Helix" in 1845, or one year after the publication of Sowerby's description. As it cannot be regarded as generically distinct, although very different in form, I propose to substitute the name Patula pagodiformis. 8. PATULA VERNONI, sp. nov. (Plate XXI. figs. 6-6 b.) Testa anguste perforata, depresse discoidea, superne planata, ad peripheriam acute carinata, alba, superne et infra rufo radiata; anfractus 6, lente accrescentes, vix convexiusculi, lineis incrementi tenuibus striati, ultimus acute carinatus, supra et infra ^ carinam leviter compressus, antice haud descendens, lineis radiantibus rufis undulatis infra pictus, radiatim tenuiter striatus ; apertura parva, subrhomboidalis, lira panetcdi tenui intrante munita; peristoma simplex, tenue, umbilicum versus leviter incrassatum. Diam. mag. 12 millim., min. 11, alt. 4. Hab. Side Path (Turton). Extinct. This species is at once recognized by its very flat spire, the compressed very acute keel, the minute umbilicus, the single fine lira-tion upon the upper part of the body-whorl, running within the aperture, and the style of colouring. The red rays upon both the upper and lower surfaces are more or less wavy and interrupted. There is no other sculpture excepting the fine lines of growth which cross the upper surface of the whorls obliquely and are a little flexuous beneath. The body-whorl has a more distinct impression below the keel than above it. I have much pleasure in naming this very distinct species after my late friend T. Vernon Wollaston, whose work « Testacea Atlantica ' is one of the most accurate and complete hitherto published upon any Molluscan fauna. 9. PATULA PSEUSTES, sp. nov.1 (Plate XXI. figs. 7-7 b.) Testa conoidea, pyraniidalis, anguste umbilicata, albida, superne maculis quadratis, in feme flammulis rufis picta; anfractus 6|, convexi, sutura profunda discreti, radiatim tenuiter costulati, ultimus ad peripheriam roiundatvs, inferne striis tenui ssimisflexuosis sculptus ; apertura lunata, obliqua, intus denticulis incequalibus sex (duobus lamelliformibus parie-talibus prominentibus, tribus minimis supra columellam, una 1 \pev<TTt]s, a deceiver. |