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Show 660 MR. H. J. ELWES ON BUTTERFLIES FROM [Dec. 6, CEL^ENORRHINUS SUMITRA. Plesioneura sumitra, Moore, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 787; Elwes, Trans. Ent. Soc. 1888, p. 463. Celeenorrhinus sumitra, de Nicev. Journ. B o m b . Nat. Hist. Soc. iv. p. 184 (1889). ? C. playifera, de Nicev. 1. c. p. 182, t. B. 13 $ . 1 G. patula, de Nicev. 1. c. t. B. 4 $ . I cannot follow de Niceville in his descriptions of these species. Perhaps what I call C. sumitra is one or other of them ; but he says he knows C. sumitra from the description only. M y C. sumitra occurs also in the Naga Hills, and is distinguished from the last by the partially white club and shafts of the antennae, and by the absence of the yellow spot near the base of the fore wing. I have a female from Bernardmyo which nearly agrees with the figure of C. patula, but unless I a m mistaken these species are more variable than de Niceville supposes. CELEENORRHINUS PERO. 1 C. pero, de Nicev. 1. c. p. 183, t. B. 12 6. This seems a good and distinct species, but I cannot be sure that it is C. pero. I have two fresh males from the Naga Hills and a female which may belong to C. sumitra ; they agree fairly with the plate and better with the description of C.pero; but some of the points touched on by de Niceville for distinguishing the species seem inconstant, and it is impossible to decide without a large number of specimens from different localities. CELEENORRHINUS CLITUS. C. clitus, de Niceville, Journ. Bomb. N. H. Soc. vol. vi. no. 3 (1891), p. 378, t. G. fig. 26 3. 3 • Above black, with olive hairs at base and on hind margin of fore wing, and longer olive hairs on inner half of hind wing. Spots glassy white on fore wing, bright yellow on hind wing, constant in colour and position as figured in three specimens. Cilia of fore wing and of hind wing as far as second median vein con-colorous with the wings, on the rest of the hind wing they are yellow with a trace of brown at the end of the veins. Below the same as above. Antennae black, mixed with yellow above. Palpi and breast beneath pale yellow. Thorax clothed with olive hairs. Abdomen black, ringed yellow. Expanse 52 m m . Described from three specimens taken at Bernardmyo in M a y by Doherty. After what I have just said of the variability of the species of this genus, it may be thought unwise to describe another, but this is so distinct from any in m y collection that I have no doubt of its being a good one. The fringes of the hind wings, like those of maculata, from which it differs in its larger size and much longer, more pointed wings, will distinguish it from any Indian species \ 1 Since this was written I find that the species has been already described by de Niceville, so I adopt his name. |