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Show LIST OF PLATES. 1892. PART IV. Plate Page XXXIII i"^" -' lygodactylus angularis " \ Fig. 2. Chamaeleon isabellinus XXXIV i"^' •*•• Rhampholeon platyceps >• 555 ' [ Fig. 2. R. brachyurus XXXV. Psammophylax variabilis XXXVI. 1 XXXVII. XXXVIII._ XXXIX. New Phytophagous Coleoptera from Madagascar 564 XL. Cercopithecus stairsi 580 XLL Semnopithecus everetti 582 XLII. Semnopithecus thomasi 613 Cetacean Remains from the Caucasus 558 1 New Asiatic Butterflies 617 XLIV. J XLIII. XLIV. XLV. New Species of Earthworms.-Moniligaster f New Species of Earthworms.-Benhamia, Acanthodrilus, r 666 XLV1. | Microdrilus, Eudriloides J XLVII. Structure of Myxine glutinosa 706 NOTICE. The ' Proceedings' are issued in four parts, as follows:- Part I. containing papers read in January and February, on June 1st. II. ,, ,, ,, March and April, on August 1st. III. ,, ,, ,, May and June, on October 1st. IV. „ „ ,, November and December, on April 1st. |