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Show 1892.] THE NAGA AND KAREN HILLS AND PERAK. 625 NACADUBA MACROPHTHALMA. Lyccena macrophthalma, Felder, Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, vol. xii. p. 483 (1862). Nacaduba macrophthalma, Butt. Ind. iii. p. 143. Taken in the Naga and Karen Hills. NACADUBA KERRIANA. Nacaduba kerriana, Distant, Ann. N . H . (5) vol. xvii. p. 253 (1886); id. Rhop. Mai. p. 455, t. xiii. fig. 12 3; Butt. Ind. iii. p. 146. A pair of this species from Perak : the female differs from the male exactly as do the females of N. macrophthalma and N. atrata, which last it closely resembles, from their respective males. I also have two specimens from the Karen Hills, which have the centre of both wings above pale bluish white, and the underside pale with the markings very indistinct, except the black marginal spots and anal ocellus ; these agree exactly with N. kerriana and appear to m e to be probably a dry-season form of it. NACADUBA VIOLA \ Lampides viola, Moore, Ann. N. H. (4) vol. xx. p. 340 (1877). Nacaduba viola, Butt. Ind. iii. p. 146. Four males and two females from the Naga Hills. NACADUBA ATRATA. Lyccena atrata, Horsf. Cat. Lep. E. I. Co. p. 78 (1828). Nacaduba atrata, Butt. Ind. iii. p. 148. Sent from all the localities visited by Doherty except Bernardmyo. NACADUBA CCELESTIS. Nacaduba ccelestis, de Nicev. J. A. S. B. vol. Iv. pt. ii. p. 366, t. xvii. fig- 11 3 (1886); Butt. Ind. iii. p. 151, t. xxvii. fig. 184 3. A few males from Margharita and the Naga Hills and one from Momeit; the female remains unknown to me. NACADUBA ARDATES. Lyccena ardates, Moore, P. Z. S. 1874, p. 574, t. lxvii. fig. 1. Nacaduba ardates, Butt. Ind. iii. p. 153, t. xxvii. fig. 185 o* (tailless form). Both forms were taken in the Karen Hills, but only the tailed form was sent from the Nagas. NACADUBA BHUTEA. Nacaduba bhutea, de Nicev. J. A. S. B. vol. Iii. pt. ii. p. 72, 1.1. fig. 13 3 (1883); Butt. Ind. iii. p. 152. Males only from the Naga Hills, agreeing exactly with those from Sikkim. Although the female remains unknown to me, I have no doubt it is a perfectly distinct species. 1 Mr. de Niceville informs me that this is the same as JV, hermes, Feld., of which he has seen the type. |