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Show 266 MR. E. A. SMITH ON THE [Apr. 5, 16. BULIMULUS HELENA, Quoy and Gaimard. (Plate XXII figs. 13, 13 a.) With this species I unite B. fossilis, of Sowerby, and B. seale-lanus of Forbes (PI. XXII. fig. 13 a). Typical specimens are of the same general form as the S.-American B. proteus, Broderip, and have somewhat similar granular sculpture. Hab. Sugarloaf Ridge and Quarry, and the Barn (Turton) Extinct (? living). J' (Section ?) 17. B U L I M U L U S SUBTRUNCATUS, sp. nov. (Plate XXII. fig. 14.) Testa subfossilis, elongato-ovata, superne acuminata, imperforata lineis incrementi obliquis tenuibus striata; anfractus convexiusculi, sutura subprofunda sejuncti, ultimus oblique declivis, sedprope labrum leviter ascendens, apertura inverse auriformis, longit. totius \ haud cequans ; labrum tenue, antice leviter patulum vel expansum; columella obliqua, recti-uscula, callo tenui superne labro juncto induta, antice plus minus subtruncata. Longit. 31f millim., diam. 12\ ; apertura 14 longa, 7 lata. Hab. Side Path, common (Turton). Extinct. Although not particularly like B. virgulatus, Yet., it is perhaps more allied to that species than any other. The subtruncation of the columella, however, is more pronounced. (PERON^EUS ?) 18. B U L I M U L U S SUBPLICATUS (Sowerby). (Plate XXII. fig. 15.) Hab. Sugarloaf Ridge, common (Turton). Extinct. Quite distinct from any other known species and of elongate form like the section Peronceus. The Cochlicopa terebeilum of Sowerby a slightly more slender form, is evidently merely a slight variety in which the plications at the suture, probably through the worn condition of the specimens, appear to be less developed. (Section '?) 19. B U L I M U L U S EXULATUS (Benson). (Plate XXII. fig. 16.) Hab. Sugarloaf Ridge, common (Turton). Extinct Remarkable for the distinct truncation of the collumella like Leptachatma. (Section ?) 20. B U L I M U L U S TURTONI, sp. nov. (Plate XXII. figs. 17,17 a.) Testa anguste perforata ovato-conica, tenuissima, nitida, fuseo-cornea, strigis irregularis opaco-lacteis, longitudinaliter picta; anfractus 7, convexiusculi, lineis incrementi obliquis striati ultimus ad peripheriam rotundatus, in exemplis juvenihbus obsolete angulatus; apex subpapillaris; apertura ovata, superne acuminata, longit. totius £ haud cequans |