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Show 1892.] LEPIDOPTERA FROM SANDAKAN. 129 HERMINIID.E. AMBLYGOES OILEUSALIS. Herminia oileusalis, Walker, Lep. Het. xvi. p. 116. n. 38. Madopa 1 quadristrigata, Snellen, Tijd. voor Ent. 18/7, p. 73, pi. 5. fig. 7. PYRALES. STERICTA DIVITALIS. Glossina divitalis, Guenee, Delt. et Pyral. p. 124. n. 20. ARTHROSCHISTA HILARALIS. Margaronia hilai'alis, Walkev, Lep. Het. xviii. p. 532. n. 33 (1859). SYLEPTA IOPASALIS. Botys iopasalis, Walker, Lep. Het. xviii. p. 652. n. 182 (1859). MESANCHYLA ILLECTALIS. Desmia 1 illectalis, Walker, Lep. Het. xix. p. 931 (1859). TALANGA SEXPUNCTALIS. Oligostigma sexpunctalis, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1877, p. pi. 60. fig. 12. DICHOCROCIS PANDAMALIS. Botys pandamcdis, Walker, Lep. Het. xix. p. 999 (1859). SICULODID-S;. DURDARA OVIFERA, n. Sp. (Plate VI. fig. 7.) Nearest to D.fenestrina, but differing from all the named forms of the genus in its grey coloration above and in having an oblique oval hvaline spot near the base of the first median interspace of the primaries ; the outer half of the fringe of the secondaries is white ; the primaries below are almost wholly glaucous grey, with white internal border, and in the secondaries the costa and veins are greyish ; the palpi are even longer than in D. plagifera, and are whitish internally and along their inferior margins. Expanse of wings 28 millim. Mr. Meyricksays (Trans. Ent. Soc. 1887, p. 185) that " Microsca plagifera is a variety of Striglina myrlcea, Drury (=fenestrina, Feld., and fenestrata, Gn.), with the spot (which varies very much and is sometimes absent) unusually large. With every wish not to admit too many species, I cannot conceive that Mr. Meyrick is correct in this assertion; for, however much a spot on the wing may vary in size and shape, it appears highly improbable that the palpi would follow suit, and assuredly there is little resemblance between the palpi of D.fenestrina and D. plagifera (which I described as a Microsca). Our example of D.fenestrina is a female, and so far as can be judged from the type of D. plagifera, in which the frenulum PROC. ZOOL. Soc-1892, No. IX. 9 |