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Show 60 MR. O. THOMAS ON THE [Jan. 5, TABLE II.-Sizes of Teeth (in millim.). (a) Breadth of m\ 7-0, 7-5, 80. 74, 7-3, 7-8, 74, 7-2, 7-4. 62, 64. 7-0, 7-3, 77. 67, 7-0, 7-4, 7-9. 63, 6-6. 69. 65, 6 7. 60, 6-3, 6-5. 54, 56, 6-4. 5-4, 57, 60. 50, 5-2. 60, 61. 6-0. 6-6, 6-8. 84. 7-8, (b) Height of crown of m . 74, 7-5. 7-3. 70. (c) 5-5. 6-9. 6-9, 7-0. •5-4. 52. 4-5. 4-5. 4-5. 35. 44, 43. (c) Length of pi. 2-5, 2-7. 2-6, 2-8. 22. 25, 26. 20, 2-2. 44. 30, 34. 3-7, 39. 2-8, 3 0 , 3-4. 30, 31. 4-0.] 3-5, 38. 4-7, 4-8. 1. P R O C A V I A CAPENSIS. Cavia capensis, Pall. Misc. Zool. p. 30 (1/66). (?) Hyrax semicircularis1, Gray, Cat. Cam. Pachyd. p. 285 (1869); Hand-1. Edent. &c. p. 44, pi. xii. fig. 2 (1873) (skull). Fur of medium length, soft and fine ; neither so long nor so fine as in P. shoana. Ears short, rounded. General colour dark sepia-brown, finely speckled with white or pale yellow. Straight upper-fur hairs dark brown, with a small pale yellow subterminal band ; underfur along the centre of the back dark smoky grey throughout, but along the sides, grey basally, and shining silvery yellow distally. Belly dirty yellow or brownish. Dorsal spots entirely black, irregularly oval in shape, not so large as in P. shoana. Skull2 broad, stout and strong; muzzle short; interparietal sutures always persistent. Diastema short, 8 to 10 m m . Teeth large and hypsodont, but very variable in size ; of the few specimens with exact localities the eastern ones, from Natal & c , seem to have smaller teeth than those from the Cape itself. Diameter of m 1 8-0 in a Cape specimen, 7 0 in a Natal one, those being the extremes observed. Height of crown of rn^ 7-\ to 7'5. l?i minute, single- 1 The young skull on which this species was founded has not got completed orbits as stated by Gray, the connections being only ligamentous. There appears to be nothing to distinguish it from skulls of P. capensis of the same age, but the skeleton shows only 21 pairs of ribs. It is also just possible that Hyrax nigricans, Peters, SB. Ges. Fr. 1879, p. 10, belongs here, in which case the species extends very much further north-west than has been supposed The type specimen, however, is too young for certain determination. 2 Good figure : D e Blainville, Atl. iii. Hyrax, pi. ii. 1. capensis 2. shoana 3. syriaca 3 a. ,, jayakari.. 4. ruficeps 5. abyssinica 5 a. „ minor 6. pallida 7. welwitschii 8. latastei 9. bocagei 10. brucei 10 a. ,, somalica.. [grayi 11. emini 12. valida 13. arborea 14. dorsalis |