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Show iv Page B E D D A R D , F R A N K E., M.A., F.R.S., F.R.S.E., F.Z.S., Prosector to the Society, Lecturer on Biology at Guy's Hospital. On the Earthworms collected in Algeria and Tunisia by Dr. Anderson 28 Abstract of a Memoir entitled " Contributions to the Anatomy of the Anthropoid Apes " 118 On some Species of the Genus Perichceta {sensu stricto). (Plates IX. & X.) 153 Notes on the Anatomy and Osteology of the Indian Darter (Plotus melanogaster) 291 On some Aquatic Oligochsetous Worms 349 On the Brain and Muscular Anatomy of Aulacodus .... 520 On the Convolutions of the Cerebral Hemispheres in certain Rodents 596 On some new Species of Earthworms from various parts of the World. (Plates XLV. & XLVI.) 666 BELL, F. JEFFREY, M.A., Sec.R.M.S., F.Z.S., Professor of Comparative Anatomy in King's College, London. A Contribution to the Classification of Ophiuroids, with Descriptions of some new and little-known Forms. (Plates XI. & XII.) 175 Remarks upon the habitat of Bipalium kewense 258 On the Characters and Variations of Pontaster tenuispinis. (Plate XXVI.) 430 Remarks upon the occurrence of Bipalium Tcewense in one of the warm houses at Straffan House, Kildare 542 Notice of a Memoir entitled " Description of a remarkable new Oidaris from Mauritius " 543 |