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Show LIST OF CONTENTS. PART IV.-1892. November 1, 1892. Page The Secretary ^ o r t cm the Additions to the Society's Menagerie in June, July, August, ' '•-, • 541 Mr. E. Hartert. Exhibition of, and remarks upon, two new Mammals from Dutch New uuinea, and a stutted specimen of Apteryx maxima .. 541 Lord Lilford, F.Z.S. Letter from, on the breeding of Demidoifs Galago in captivity .... 542 542 Prof. Newton, M l Exhibition of, on behalf of Mr. John Cordeaus, and remarks upon the skin of an immature example of Sylvia nisoria, shot in Yorkshire . ...]!?? 542 Mr. F. Finn, F.Z.S. Remarks upon his recent zoological excursion to Zanzibar 543 Prof- ?MgttM$kI&%.of a M'moir ™aM" ^P 543 Sir Edward Newton, K.C.M.G., and Hans Gadow, Ph.D. Abstract of a Memoir on some &l&uriS?° a n d °ther 6XtinCt B - d - f Mauritius, recently obtained byMr ' • • 543 1. Descriptions of two new Mammals from New Guinea. By the Hon. W A L T E R ROTHSCHILD, " • ' 545 2. O n Mammals from Nyassaland. By OLDFIELD THOMAS, F.Z.S 546 3. Report on a Collection of Reptiles and Batrachians transmitted by Mr. H H Johnston X X X V P . .Nja9Saland- B^ Dr- A' G™T I I E R > $ & & V.P.Z.S. (Platef'xXXIII I 4. On Zeuglodont and other Cetacean Remains from the Tertiarv of thn Pfl,,nnfi,10 T^T> IVDEKKER, B.A., F.Z.S. (Plates XXXVI.-XXXVIII) J.. . ? ..'. J R" b. Descriptions of some new Genera and new Species of PlwtomWm™ rftl0„„f„. t Madagascar. By M A R T I N JACOBV, F.E.S. (Plate X X X I X ) g . . . P . ^ m November 15, 1892. The Secretary Report on the Additions to the Society's Menagerie in October 189" and description of a new Monkey of the Genus Cercopithecus. (Plate XL.) .. .. .' 5-9 The Secretary. Exhibition of, on behalf of Mr. Thomas Ground, and remarks upon a specimen of the Siberian Pectoral Sandpiper, shot on Breydon mudflats, Norfolk . 581 Contents continued on page 3 oj Wrapper. bbb 558 |