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Show 516 LIEUT.-COL. H . H. G O D W I N - A U S T E N O N N E W [June 14, A larger shell, with rather a different shaped spire 4 millim. in height, was found at Asalu, with the constriction in same position. It is an allied form of L>. jatingana, from the North Cachar Hills, which is a larger, more tumid species with the constriction farther behind the aperture. A single specimen, only 3 millim. in height, was sorted out of the box containing D. chennelli, from the Lhota Naga Hills. Small species, with columellar process. DIPLOMMATINA UNICRENATA, n. sp. Loc. Eastern Naga Hills (W. Doherty, in coll. T. H. Aldrich). Shell dextral, ovately fusiform, subrimate, rather thin ; sculpture, distant strong costulation on all the whorls; colour white, with a pale lemon-yellow tint in fresh shells; spire with sides convex, apex somewhat blunt; suture well impressed ; whorls 7\, antepenultimate the largest, sides convex, the constriction above the aperture, in front; aperture circular, vertical ; peristome double, outer wavy in outline, with one very marked and decided crenulation on the upper outer margin, and a slight sinuation on the left lower margin ; columellar tooth large and directed downwards. Size : alt. axis 4*0 millim. A very large number of this new shell are in M r . Doherty's collection, four from Margarita in a tube, the remainder marked as from the Naga Hills. This is a very beautiful new species, the only shell approaching it that I know from this region being D. angulata of Moulmain. DIPLOMMATINA JAPVOENSIS, n. sp. Loc. Japvo Peak, Anghami Naga Hills, 10,000 ft. (Godwin- Austen). Shell dextral, fusiform, thin texture ; sculpture, close rather fine ribbing; colour pale ochraceous ; spire conic, apex blunt; suture moderately impressed ; whorls 7\, sides convex, swollen below ; constriction in front, towards the outer margin of the peristome ; aperture oval, vertical; columellar tooth fairly developed, blunt; peristome closely double, of weak structure. Size : maj. diam. 2*4 ; alt. axis 3*8 millim. This is larger than the other species from this peak and elevation; and is the species described as D.sherfaiensis, var., J. A. S. B. 1875, p. 9, pi. iv. fig. 5; but as it is sufficiently distinct from the form found on Sherfaisip Peak, far to the west, and also from another found on Shiroifurar Peak, I think it better to give it a distinctive title. DIPLOMMATINA ANIMULA, n. sp. Loc. Prowi, Lahupa Naga Hills, Munipur (Godwin-Austen). Shell dextral, ovately fusiform, thin and delicate, and glassy texture; sculpture, rather distant well-marked costulation ; colour whitish grey; spire moderately high, sides convex, apex blunt; suture impressed; whorls 6, tumid, sides very convex, antepenultimate |