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Show 422 MR. O. THOMAS ON THE ANTELOPES [May 17, "Cephalophus badius, 418 c"; and its skull was figured by him under that name \ As, fortunately, the types of his C. badius and breviceps are both still in the Museum, I am able to state that it belongs certainly to neither of them, but its proper determination has caused me much perplexity. On the one hand, its skull, so far as one may judge from a single immature specimen, is so different from similarly aged specimens of C. dorsalis as apparently to demand full specific distinction ; while, on the other hand, it is externally almost precisely identical. For the present, therefore, I take a middle course, and make it into a subspecies, trusting that further specimens from different localities will clear up the precise relationship it bears to the true C. dorsalis, and also to its close ally C. leucogaster. 8. CEPHALOLOPHUS OGILBYI, Waterh. Antilope ogilbyi, Waterh. P. Z. S. 1838, p. 60. Size medium. General colour bright orange, becoming rather more rufous on the hind-quarters. Nose brown, but otherwise the face is of the same colour as the body. Nape and sides of neck brown or blackish, but the hairs here so thin and short that the skin shows through and the general colour is but little affected. Hinder back with a marked black central dorsal streak, commencing vaguely at the withers, becoming narrower and more sharply defined posteriorly, and running on to the tail. Limbs dull yellowish, except on the phalanges, where they are brown or black. Horns in the direct line of the nasal profile :- <$ • About four inches long (109 mm.), conical, slightly incurved, much broadened basally, their greatest basal diameter going 2-g- or 3 times in their length. 2 • About a inch and a half in length, conical, smooth, broad at base, pointed terminally, their length not twice their basal diameter. Skull with a very considerable convexity in the frontal region. Anteorbital fossae shallow, their bottoms 23 m m . distant from one another in a male, 19 in a female. Posterior palate with the three notches, median and two lateral, all at about the same level. Dimensions.- <$. Height at withers 560 mm.: ear 76; hind foot 240. Skull (<S, not fully adult)-basal length 185; greatest breadth 90 ; orbit to gnathion 112 ; nasals, length 88, greatest breadth 37 ; muzzle 69 ; upper molar series (c.) 60. Hab. West Africa. Liberia [Biittikofer and Stampfii (Leyd. Mus.), fide Jentink]; Cameroons [Preuss (Berl. Mus.), fide Matschie]; Fernando Po [Gr. Knapp, T. Thomson, R.N. (Brit. Mus.)]. 9. CEPHALOLOPHUS CALLIPYGUS. Cephalophus callipygus, Peters, MB. Ak. Berl. 1876, p. 483, pis. iii. & iv. (animal and skull). Size about as in C. dorsalis. General colour of body yellowish brown, becoming more rufous posteriorly. Forehead and crest 1 T. c. pi. xxx. fig. 1. |