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Show 624 MR. H. J. ELWES ON BUTTERFLIES FROM [Dec. 6> TALICADA NYSEUS. Polyommatus nyseus, Guerin, Delessert's Souv. d'un Voy. dans l'Inde, p. 78, t. xxii. figs. 1, 1 a (1843). Talicada nyseus, Butt. Ind. iii. p. 135, t. xxvi. fig. 179 2 • Common at low elevations in the Naga Hills. EVERES ARGIADES. Papilio argiades, Pallas, Reise, vol. i. App. p. 472 (1771). Everes argiades, Butt. Ind. iii. p. 137, t. xxvi. fig. 180 3 • Small dark specimens from the Naga Hills, where the tails usually found in this species seem to be wanting. A large and brilliantly coloured pair from Perak, which I should call parrhasius if I knew how to define that variety or species, which represents E. argiades in the tropical parts of India. EVERES KALA. Everes kala, de Nicev. Butt. Ind. iii. p. 139, t. xxvi. fig. 181. Three males and a female of this from the Naga Hills at 5500 feet agree withde Niceville's plate ; the type came from the Khasia Hills. It is perfectly distinct from Lyccena fischeri by the much darker colour and more distinct spots of the underside, and even more so from the form or species which occurs in China, and which has been referred to L. fischeri by Leech, P. Z. S. 1887, p. 455. Of this latter I have three males and two females from Ningpo, and one male from Kiukiang; one of the females bears a label in the late M r . Pryer's writing, " L.filicaudis, Ningpo," but this name is, I think, a M S . one only. All of these agree in having two additional spots on the fore wing below near the base, which I do not find in any of m y 13 specimens of L. fischeri, which come from Orenburg, Amurland, Askold, the Alatau mountains, Corea, and Shanghai; but I have one male from Staudinger, marked West Siberia, which has them ; therefore 1 do not know at present whether to treat L.filicaudis as a local race of L. fischeri or not. EVERES UMBRIEL. Everes umbriel, Doh. J. A. S. B. 1889, pt. ii. p. 433, t. xxiii. 1 3 (issued Dec. 30, fide de Niceville). Six specimens of this interesting species from the Karen Hills at about 4500 feet elevation. I cannot be certain, but think that two of them are females, in which case there is no difference in colour or markings between the sexes. I cannot distinguish the species from Lyccena potanini, Alph. M e m . sur les Lep. v. p. 104, t. v. fig. 4, described from Mongolia, and of which I have four specimens taken in the province of Szechuen by Pratt. It is doubtful which name has priority, but I think that the fifth volume of the ' Memoires ' was not issued till 1890. |