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Show 1892.] THE NAGA AND KAREN HILLS AND PERAK. 643 RAPALA NISSA. Thecla nissa, Kollar, Hiigel's Kaschmir, iv. pt. 2, p. 412, t. iv. figs. 3, 4 (1848). R. nissa, Butt. Ind. iii. p. 463. Only sent from the Naga Hills, where it does not seem to be so common as it is in the Khasias. RAPALA PETOSIRIS. Deudorix petosiris, Hew. 111. Di. Lep. p. 22, t. ix. figs. 30, 31 6" (1863). R. petosiris, Butt. Ind. iii. p. 465. Margharita and the Karen Hills. RAPALA SUFFUSA. Deudorix suffusa, Moore, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 834, t. Iii. fig. 8 o* • R. suffusa, Butt. Ind. iii. p. 466. Deudorix barthema, Distant, Rhop. Mai. p. 280 (1885); Butt. Ind. iii. p. 450; Doh. J. A. S. B. lv. pt. ii. p. 260 (1886). Mr. de Niceville's supposition that these names would prove synonyms is correct, as I have a male from Perak named by himself, together with two females from East Pegu, which agree with it in the yellow colour of the underside, and with a female from Barakhal, Chittagong, taken by Doherty and alluded to by him in writing of D. barthema. Rapala suffusa is a perfectly good species, and the female may be known from the female of R. xenophon by the pale yellow of the underside. 1 have another species with pale yellow underside in both sexes from the Khasia Hills which is a Deudorix, having no sexual mark in the male, and is larger than R. suffusa, but though I cannot discover a name for it the specimens are not good enough to describe. RAPALA JARBAS. Papilio iarbas, Fabr. Mant. Ins. ii. p. 68 (1787). R. jarbas, Butt. Ind. iii. p. 468. Sent, from Bernardmyo and Perak. RAPALA HYPARGYRIA, n. sp. (Plate XLIII. fig. 7, 3 •) Doherty sends five specimens of this very distinct species from the Karen Hills, all of which appear to be males. Above they are most like R. xenophon, but of a more orange tint, with a broad black border on both fore and hind wings, the latter fringed towards the anal angle, and more conspicuously on the inner margin, with white ; a dark streak runs from the base of the tail parallel to the inner margin. Beneath, the fore wing is dull silvery white, tinged with brown towards the costa and outer margin. Hind wing the same, with an obscure row of spots towards the anal angle. The anal lobe and a large round spot above the base of the tail black, a short broken line from near this towards the inner margin. Frons, palpi, and breast white; abdomen fulvous. Head and thorax black. Expanse 30-38 m m. |