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Show r 19 UTONIAH § THE NEWHOUSE HOTEL Salt Lake City UTONIAN READERS There were more University parties given at the Newhouse Hotel during 1925-26 than during any other year in the history of the hotel. The lasting, pleasant memories of the good times you have had here is part of our reputation as a good place to entertain. J. H. Waters, Managing Director 400 Outside Rooms Each With Separate Bath "The Best Cafeteria in Town" "I spent ten hours on my lesson last night." Irate Father (to lazy son): "Why are "Blah!" N y°u always lying about the house? "Sure" I did-studied one and slept the Lazy son: "I never did! Don't think much rest!" of the old shack, but I never said so. Little Bosco (in Sunday school): "Aw, I don't want de old medal for being present." The Teacher: "And why not, dear?" Little Bosco: "Aw, hell-give it to de old man-he's de one what won it." COMICAL First Plebe: "How do Bill's new riding boots strike you?" Second Ditto: "Oh, I get a big kick out of them." "Just a Good Place to Trade" "Buckhect Boots" The ideal hiking boot for men and women "See What You Save" 27 E. 2nd So., Salt Lake City "Now children," said the teacher, "what are parakeets?" "Twins," shouted little Giuseppi Gran- nuci. Frosh: "Are they very strict at Cornell?" Soph: "Are they? Well, when a man dies during a lecture they prop him up in his seat until the end of the hour." 383 IH 7L o u n d U p 71 u m b e r |