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Show 19 2 1 <-> UTONIAH Capt. White Stewart Team Coach Hollings Sanders Swimming Western Division of the Rocky Mountain Collegiate Conference B. Y. U.-36 points Utah-22 points Utah Aggies-14 points Although minor sports do not command the interest and support that is accorded to major activities, yet they contribute in a large measure to the success of the general athletic program of the institution. Swimming is an activity that Bas a large clientele, and it provides pleasure for a great many followers. In reviewing the results of Utah's work in this sport we find that, although the season was not a brilliant success, yet a certain amount of praise can be extended to Coach Hollings and his boys. Starting the year without a single letterman from the previous season, Coach Hollings uncovered and produced some excellent performers. The Western Division of the Rocky Mountain Conference sponsored what was ultimately the state meet on March 20, with the Cougars, Utes and Farmers competing for honors. Young romped of with the honors in a decisive manner, but just as decisively, Utah had the pleasure of forcing the Aggies to bring up the rear. The points were distributed as follows- B Y U -36 Utah-22, U. A. C.-14. Two state records were broken, which were the features of the meet, inasmuch as both were smashed by Crimsonites. K. Stewart swam the 200-yard breast stroke in 2 minutes .and 52 1-5 seconds, and his team mate Sanders turned in the time of 1 minute and 59 2-5 seconds in the 150-yard backstroke. These aquatic stars are certainly to be congratulated for their work. The only other meet with a college institution was with the brilliant team from Sanford. Utah was entirely outclassed, losing all but two events. K. Stewart of the home team defeated Allen of Stanford in the 200-yard breast stroke, and Dean Moffat recorded the best performance in the plunge. This rotund lad plunged the whole length of the pool in 36 3-5 seconds. It was the only redeeming feature of the Crimson's work for the evening, however, Stanford boasts of some of the best aquatic stars in the country, and so it is with little misgiving that they left with the Redskin's scalp. jfcj 189 JC o u n d U p u m b e r 5= r3 ii s *¦ |