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Show ¦->¦¦¦¦• Ut T O N I A Captain Calvin Boberg ¦ In reviewing the history of the government of the early Germanic tribes one finds that a military leader was chosen for his ability, and only held his post as long as he "led by example." This last phrase adequately describes the spirit of Cal Boberg, and in a large measuie sets forth the reason for which he was unanimously chosen to lead the Utes in the hoop campaign the past season. Boberg has been a mainstay on Utah teams for four years, and in every contest that he has entered he has displayed a fight and determination that has won for him the respect of his fellow players. In fact, it is this fighting and battling spirit that has characterized his athletic work wherever he has participated. In his third year he was chosen on the honor five for the state, and the past season found him on the mythical quintet of the Western Division of the Rocky Mountain Conference. Other honors were accorded him when he was selected on the all-conference honor eleven, and again upon his selection by the university authorities as the best athlete in the school. In addition the athletic council has selected him for freshman coach next fall, and as their representative in the capacity of graduate manager. In this he will succeed Rocky Miller, and will have charge of all intra-mural and inter-organization activities, so we will have Cal with us another year, inspiring others to commit themselves well to the work in which he has often taken the leading role. o un d |