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Show Population Growth: Utah and United States Compiled by Dan Bergantz 2001 Utah Population: 2.295,971 Resident population, probably the most fundamental demographic statistic, has implications ranging from allocation of seats in Congress to division of Medicare funds. It is tracked by the U.S. Census Bureau and by the Utah Population Estimates Committee. Both organizations have revised figures for 1990-1999 based on the 2000 Census; current data are shown in Table 1. As of 2000, Utah ranks 34th among states in terms of overall population. Although Utah's average population growth is strong compared to national standards, it is not the fastest-growing state. In the ten-year period between 1990 and 2000, Utah's population grew by 29.6%, averaging approximately 2.5% per year. This growth rate was fourth in the nation, following Nevada, Arizona, and Colorado. Although the nation's population growth has been leveling off over the past decade, Utah's growth shows no significant trend. The state will likely continue to grow at an above-average rate for the foreseeable future. This poses challenges to policy makers and healthcare providers who must make decisions and provide needed healthcare to a rapidly increasing population. Table 1. Total Population and Percent Change, Utah and U.S., 1960 - 2001. Total Population Percent Change Increase (thousands) Year Utah U.S. Utah U.S. Utah 1960 900 180,671 3.45% 1.60% 30,000 1965 991 194,303 1.33% 1.26% 13,000 1970 1,066 205,052 1.81% 1.17% 19,000 1975 1,234 215,973 3.09% 0.99% 37,000 1980 1,474 227,726 4.10% 1.19% 58,000 1985 1,643 238,466 1.29% 0.90% 21,000 1986 1,663 240,651 1.22% 0.92% 20,000 1987 1,678 242,804 0.90% 0.89% 15,000 1988 1,690 245,021 0.72% 0.91% 12,000 1989 1,706 247,342 0.95% 0.95% 16,000 1990 1,729 249,973 1.36% 1.06% 23,227 1991 1,781 252,665 2.99% 1.08% 51,642 1992 1,838 255,410 3.22% 1.09% 57,280 1993 1,889 258,119 2.79% 1.06% 51,245 1994 1,947 260,637 3.03% 0.98% 57,326 1995 1,995 263,082 2.49% 0.94% 48,507 1996 2,043 265,502 2.39% 0.92% 47,667 1997 2,099 268,048 2.77% 0.96% 56,516 1998 2,142 270,509 2.01% 0.92% 42,220 1999 2,193 272,945 2.40% 0.90% 51,384 2000 2,247 275,372 2.44% 0.89% 53,540 2001 2,296 277,803a 2.20% 0.88% 49,417 aMiddle Series estimate 2.5 t 130 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 Year 1985 1990 1995 2000 Figure 1. Total Population, Utah and U.S., 1960-2001 (millions). Sources: Utah Governors Office of Planning and Budget (2002). 2002 Economic Report to the Governor. Salt Lake: Government Printing Office. U. S. Census Bureau (2002). 2001 Statistical Abstract of the United States. [Online] http://www.census.gov/statab/www/. Retrieved 3/5/02. Utah's Health: An Annual Review Volume VIII 49 |