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Show ( saiy safY ) t0 ( pole P01C ) it ill others ( 216 2J16 ) . In one place in ( paxtiaii- paxtiaii ) lar the oars ( struck struch ) and it was ( necessary liecessary ) to pole ( tlia flia ) ( boat 'boat boat ) to get across . There appeared to be a ( kind khid ) of bar hi this section , The route followed was up Thief ( Biver River ) into ( Mud Alud ) River and then into ( Miul "Alud Alud ) ( Lake Lalze ) , and up the river west of the lake . He saw the ( lake hake ) nearly every year since . ( In 111 ) 1900 , the lake was ( almost alillost ) all dry . You could ( not iiot ) get a boat across , but it afterward filled up again . He was ( on oil ) the lake ( in iii ) ( various varions ) years ( since shice ) 1892 ; crossed ( both bot1l ) ( ways vays ) . ( la Ili ) the fall of the year the ( lake lAe ) abounded in wild ducks and geese , and was a favorite ( hunting hunthig ) ( ground groiind ) , the hunters using boats to get to the islands . ( During- During During ) the ( year's years ) , ( many niany ) ( set- set ) tlers came ( in ill ) and went ( through throtigh ) , using the river to get in ( and aild ) then crossing the lake . Langley , who had a store up there , used the river and ( Mud Alud ) ( Lake Lalw ) when open . ( There Tliere ) was a sand bar ( extending extendiiicr ) from the west island , but there was an opening ( between betweeii ) the bar and the shore . John Knutsou ( was -was was ) 30 years ( in ill ) the vicinity and ( knew lmew ) the lake since about 1892 . In the early years , the water was entirely clear but later grew up in reeds and rushes . 1900 was a very dry year . ( Fre- Fre ) quently crossed the lake , small boats being used . . ( In Iii ) the early years , used oars mostly , but later weeds and grass grew up and it was ( necessary t-lecessary tlecessary ) to pole iu ( many maily ) places . ( He FIe ) frequently took ( hunters liunters ) out on the lake . ( in ill ) his boat and also did some trapping . . Practically all of the settlers ( in ill ) ( the t1le ) locality ( had bad ) boats . He saw gasoline boats ( coming conling ) up ( there tliere ) , , but they could not use them for the weeds . . George Williams , of Thief River ( Palls Fialls ) , took one ( launch launell ) out there for the last couple of years before the dredge went there ( but btit ) he could not do anything |