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Show 20 ( Nigger 3STigger ) Bill ( Creek Oreek ) downstream through ( Moab INfoal ) ( Val- Val ) ley 3M , miles and in the G2Mi ( miles iniles ) canyon section ( from froin ) ( Moab Mozab ) Valley to the mouth of Green River , , the slope is unbroken ( Ly by ) rapids ( except at The Slide near the mouth ( ( Exhibit Exliibit ) ( 75 705 ) , , page 70 ) , ( and aud ) averages about 1.14 feet to the mile ( Exhibit 80 , , page 10 ) . In the canyon section below ( Moab TN1oab ) the sandstone walls vary ( from froin ) 1,000 to ( 2,000 220-00 ) feet iir * height . About 4 miles below the ( mouth inouth ) of Green River , the ( Colorado 0.1olorado 01olorado ) River enters Cataract Canyon , where for 40 miles it flows nearly straight southwest . . Powell ( Exhibit 51 , page 79 ) , gives the ( height heiglit ) of the canyon ( Avails walls ) ( in iii ) Cataract ( Canyon Caiiyon ) as 1,300 feet at the head and foot , ( and aiid ) ( 2,700 2,70.0 ) feet high in the central portion ( Photographs Nos . 39 , 40 , Exhibit 11B ) . Based upon the river survey and profile . ( Exhibit 10 , sheets 17-19 , 58-59 , and Exhibit 80Y pages 10 , 11 ) the average slope through Cataract Canyon is somewhat ( over o-ver over ) 11 feet to the mile . Average downstream progress by both of ( Powell's Powells ) . parties and by Stanton was between 2 % and 5Vs . . miles a day . ( Summary of Exhibits 51 , 176 , and 628 ) From the foot of Cataract ( Canyon Caliyou ) to Lees ( Perry Ferry- Ferry ) the Colorado River flows generally westward ( for- for ) 6 miles in Narrow Canyon and 170 miles in ( Grlen Glen ) Canyon . Powell ( Exhibit 51 , page 79 ) describes . the height of canyon in ( Narrow Yarrow ) Canyon as ( 1,300 -1,300 ) feet at the head , ( coming col-ning colning ) ( clown down ) to t1le water at its . |