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Show 0.7 corner of Oolorado into Sail Xuail ( Country Couilby' Couilby ) , Utah , thence ( generally generaI13 ) southwesterly and flows into ( Colo- Colo ) rado River 78 iniles upstream ( from froni ) Lees Ferry . . The draftiagearea is aboiit 25,800 square miles and includes parts of four States . . ( Page 10 , Exhibit 85 . . ) 111 its course above ( Chinlc Oldille ) Creeki 133 miles ( abo-ve above ) the ( mouth moutli ) , it flows in ( general geiieral ) ( through tIlrough ) valleys of varying ( widths widtlis ) ( alternating alterutiting ) with short canyons , having relatively low ( walls wills ) . From ( Chinle Cliffile ) ( Creek Credk ) to its ( mouth niouth ) it flows in a canyon with close ( precip- precip ) itous walls as ( much iiluch ) as lialf ( a 11 ) mile high which is continuous except for a short distance where the river flows through ( open opeil ) country . ( Page 1 , ( Ex- Ex ) hibit 56 . . ) The region ( trenched trenclied ) by the ( canyon caliyoll ) is a rough ( arid and ) ( country couiitry ) which forms part of the broad Colorado ( River Rivel ) Plateau . ( Photograph No . 31 , Exhibit 145 . ) The ( mean meal'i meali ) ( annual aunual ) ( flow floiv ) of San Juan River as ( determined deternihied ) ( from frolu ) the measurements at the Geolog ical Survey ( gaging gagiiag ) ( station statiou ) near Bluff ( Exhibit 882 page 89 ) is about 4,070 ( second-feet secondfeet secoild-feet secoildfeet ) and according to the record its range is from zero to probably 150,000 ( second-feet secondfeet second-fect secondfect ) ( Water Supply Paper 309 , ( Ex- Ex ) hibit 86 ) . The average iucan monthly flow August to ( March Marell ) is ( between betNyeen ) 824 and 3,990 ( second-feet secondfeet ) , aiid between April alid July , during which four months 62.9 per cent of the total ( run-off runoff ) occurs , is betweeii 5,610 ( second-feet secondfeet ) aud 9,960 ( second-feet secondfeet ) . . ( Exhibit 8S , , page 89 . ) 908191-30-3 |