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Show Whirlpool Canyon ( Island Islaad ) 51 Park , Split ( Mountain Mozottain ) ( Canyon Vavyon ) . , Uintah Valley . ( -Jones Jones ) , topographer ( ( Pow Pow- Pow ) ell second expedition ) , reports 19 rapids in this stretch , all in the canyon section , at 8 of which the boats were lined . Their average downstream ( prog prog- prog ) ( ress Tess ) was 8 % miles a day in the canyon section and 261 . . , miles a day ( in iii ) the valley section ( summary , Exhibit 628 ) . ( Powell PoNvell ) on the first expedition ( re- re ) ports many rapids in the canyon section at which ( "boats boats boats ) were lined ( Exhibit 51 ; Photograph 272 , ( Ex- Ex ) hibit 11B ) . ( Desolation Deso7ation ) ( Canyon Canyoa ) , Gray ( Canyon Canyo ) . ( -Jones Jones ) notes ( 118 1-18 ) rapids in Desolation and Gray ( Canyons Canyous ) at which it was necessary to line the boats 32 ( times thnes ) . Their average downstream progress was 7 % miles a day . Powell notes many rapids and many ( times time's times ) ( the -the the ) boats were either lined or portaged . ( Summary Exhibits ( 51 0-1 ) and 628 ; Photographs 293 and 294 , ( Ex- Ex ) hibit 11B . ) Based upon the ( river-survey riversurvey ) map of the ( TJ U ) . S . Geological Survey ( Exhibit 10 , sheets 31 to 46 ) . and the computations ( based basea ) thereon ( Exhibit ( 80 SO ) , pages 14 to 19 ) , the ( Green Greeu ) River in the ( 439-mile 439mile ) stretch from its mouth to the ( Utah-Wyoming UtahWyoming ) line , has 126 stretches where the average fall is at a ( rate Tate ) , of 33 feet to the mile and classified in Exhibit 80 as rapids ; 67 stretches totaling 401 2 miles where the average slope is 10.1 feet to the mile classified in Exhibit 80 as rapid water , and the remaining ( stretches stretelies ) having average slopes of between 1.4 and 3.0 feet to the mile , classified as quiet water . Jones |