Title |
No. 15 Original, Brief for the United States, 1929 |
Subject |
Mines and mineral resources -- Environmental aspects -- Utah; United States -- Trials, litigation, etc.; Utah -- Trials, litigation, etc.; Utah -- Trials, litigation, etc.; Utah -- Trials, litigation, etc.; Colorado River (Colo.-Mexico); Colorado River (Colo.-Mexico) -- Environmental aspects |
Description |
Testimony given before special master Charles Warren in a suit brought by the United States against the state of Utah over ownership of the bed of the Colorado River. Much of the testimony was given by river runners, scientists and engineers, petroleum geologists, and placer miners. The testimony constitutes an extensive oral history of the men and women who utilized the Colorado River Basin in Utah prior to 1929. |
Publisher |
Microfilm gift of John Weisheit, 1997 |
Date |
1929-10 |
Type |
Text |
Format |
application/pdf |
Source |
Original format: 12 microfilm reels |
Language |
eng |
Relation |
No. 15 Original, Brief for the United States, 1929 |
Spatial Coverage |
Colorado; Utah; Mexico |
Rights Management |
Digital image copyright 2003, University of Utah. All rights reserved. |
Holding Institution |
J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah; Originals in: Utah State Archives; Salt Lake City, Utah. |
Scanning Device |
Sunrise 2000 Microfilm Scanner |
Scanning Contractor |
iArchives Inc., Orem, UT |
Call Number |
ACCN 1702 |
ark:/87278/s65x2bkw |
Setname |
usa_crc |
ID |
110908 |
Reference URL |
https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s65x2bkw |
Title |
Brief for the U.S., 1929, p. 181 |
Format |
application/pdf |
Identifier |
1929-1931-roll12_0566b.jpg |
Holding Institution |
J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah Originals in: Utah State Archives; Salt Lake City, Utah. |
Resolution |
Archival TIFF: 3000 x 4600 |
Dimensions |
JPEG: 650 x 1000 |
Bit Depth |
8-bit |
OCR Text |
Show 181 Thousands of dollars have been spent on ( experi- experi ) ments with commercial ( navigation navigatioii ) on the Green and Colorado Rivers . Large boats , small boats , steamboats using ( coal coil ) or vood for fuel , gasoline boats ( ranging i-anging ianging ) from those equipped with small outboard motors to ( 40-horsepower 40horsepower ) gasoline ( engines eughles ) ; boats ' ( with iith ) paddle - ( vheels iheels ) , propellers in tunnels ; screw propellers ; specially designed riffle climbers ( have liave ) all been tried . The ( Moab Aloab ) Garage boats alone survive , Commercial navigation on these rivers lias ( been beea ) a failure . The revenues derived from freight and passenger traffic represent a small part of the cost of the boats . Failure of ( commercial comniercial ) ( navigation iiavigation ) has been due to the fact that the rivers possess characteristics . ( which Whicli ) will always prevent fliem from serving the public as highways of commerce . ( To-day Today ) there are ( no 11o ) boats of ( any aiiy ) kind on the Green River , none ( in iii ) Glen ( Canyon Canyou ) , none on the San Juan . The three or four at Moab are without freight or passengers and will no ( doubt doiibt ) soon follow flie others into - N ( 'reckaud reckaud ) decay . IX INDIAN RESERVATIONS ADJACENT TO THE ( BIVEBS RIVERS ) Significance of the acts of Congress and Executive orders affecting the Navajo and other Indian ( reservations reservatims ) in Utah On behalf of the ( Government Goverm-nent Govermnent ) certified copies of treaties and official orders concerning the Navajo and other reservations affecting lands in and ( adja- adja ) |
Setname |
usa_crc |
ID |
110795 |
Reference URL |
https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s65x2bkw/110795 |