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Show the record ( 'as as ) follows , who ( 100 1.06 ) are ( most iiios't iiiost ) familiar with the character of the river bed , shows that ( changes clianges ) of large magnitude frequently occur : Blake ( Vol . 5 , page 907 ) ; Clark ( Vol . 10 , page 1732 ) ; Stone Vol . 10 , page 1768 ) ; Ed ¬ wards ( Yol Vol ) . 10 , page 1923 ) ; McDonald ( Vol . 12 , pages 2174 , 2196 ) ; Rust ( Vol . 12 , page 2266 , ( sand saild ) waves , page 2272 ) ( ; - ) ( Lopcr Loper ) ( Vol . 13 , pages 2365 , 2370 , 2405 , sand waves , pages 24031 2436 ) ; Freeman ( Vol . 14 , page 2590 , sand waves , page 2590 ) ; Johnson ( ( Yol Vol ) . 17 , page 3070 ) ; Bennett ( Vol . 17 , pages 3204 , 3218 ) ; ( Oliaffin Chaffin ) ( Vol . 17 , page 3278 , ( Yol Vol ) . 18 , page 3304 ) ; Chenoweth ( Vol . 21 , ( page pacre ) 3895 ) ; Fowler ( ( Yol Vol ) . 22 , page 3967 ) . San Juan River ( Glimle Chinle ) Creek to mouth . ( -Plate Plate ) ( Y-A YA ) of ( Exhibit ExIiibit ) ( 82-A 82A ) and cross section ( introduced intToduced ) by Love ( ( Ex- Ex ) hibits 495 and ( 496 49G ) ) show the unstable character of the bed of the San Juan River and the rapidity with which such changes take place . Miser , in the pub ¬ lished ( San Sall ) ( Juan Juaii ) report ( ( Exhibit ExIiibit ) 56 , page 58 ) shows that the river flows on unconsolidated ( u-ia- uia ) terial that may be ( 50 DO ) feet deep . Love ( Vol . 21 , page 3829 ) shows by Exhibits 495 and 496 , cross sections based on actual soundings , scour and ( fill -fill fill ) ( amounting amountiug ) to 6 feet . Miser ( Exhibit 56 , page 58 ) : Perhaps no great amount of material is permanently ( deposited depositecl ) , for the highest floods such as that of October 1911 when , , , |