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Show 36 River ( 43 IS ) miles above the mouth . ( There TlieTe ) is also a ( road Toad ) ( brandling branchilig ) south from the Green ( River- River ) Thompson road , which extends to a point ( near mar ) Green River opposite the mouth of the San Rafael . ( According Accordino- Accordino ) to ( testimony testiinoiiy ) by Wiminer ( vol . 27 , page 4748 ) , this road at one time continued farther south . Baker states ( Exhibit 55 , page 7 ) that trails extend to the Green River at the mouth of Spring Canyon ( 66 miles above the mouth of the river ) ; Hell ( Roar Roax- Roax ) ¬ ing Canyon ( 53.8 miles above the mouth ) , and Taylor ( Canyon Canyo-ii Canyoii ) ( ( Mile -Alile Alile ) 43 ) . Cliff Dwellers ruins in lower 41 miles of river also indicate access to the surrounding plateau . Bishop , in diary of second Powell expedition ( Exhibit 629 ) for September 11 , 1871 , while ( in hi ) ( Stilhvater Stiffivater ) Canyon states , ( "Prof Prof ) ( . - ) ( Thompson ) and ( Maj Alaj ) . ( Powell ) have found the way where the ( Shinemoiis Shinemous ) ( cliff dwellers ) got ( out- out ) on ( stone stoile ) steps and poles . " According to Baker the Colorado ( River Ri-ver River ) may be reached by the Shafer trail which comes to the ( river ri-ver river ) in the ( canyon eanycai ) section about 30 miles below ( Moab Aloab ) and again by a rough trail just below ( the tlie ) canyon entrance in the southwest corner of T . 25 S . ( , 2 ) R . 21 E . Powell ( July 20 , 1869 ) ( climbed climbe ) to the plateau section between the Colorado and the ( Green Greeli ) at ( their theiT ) junction . ( Exhibit 51 , page 59 . ) No evidence ( was ivas ) introduced to show the accessibility of the Colorado River from the ( west -west west ) between the Shafer trail and the ( mouth motith ) of Green River . Area on east and ( south swith ) sides of Colorado River . - A ( well-traveled welltraveled vell-traveled velltraveled ) road extends ( southeastward southeas-tward southeastward ) from |