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Show 0 . S . Howard ( Vol . 86 21 , page 3802 ) , based on much more complete basic information than was available to Fortier and Blaney estimates that ( dur- dur ) ing the period October 1 , 1928 , to September 30 , 1929 , the Green River carried 50,700,000 tons of sediment in suspension . Colorado River itearMoab . ( Accordingto -Accordingto Accordingto ) Fortier and Blaney ( Exhibit 68 , page 17 ) , as digested by ( Hoyt Iloyt ) ( Exhibit 75 , page 77 ) , ( tlie the ) amount of silt carried past the gaging station on Colorado River near Cisco in suspension during the ( nine-monk ninemonk itine-month itinemonth ) period November , 1914 , to July , 1915 , was 9,110,000 tons . This is exclusive of sediment carried by Court House Wash , Mill Creek , and other washes and includes no bed load . ( G C ) . S . Howard ( Vol . 21 , page 3805 ) , based on much more complete basic information than was available to ( Portier Fortier ) and Blaney , estimates that ( dar- dar ) ing the 12 months ending September 30 , 1929 , the Colorado River ( carried caTried ) ( 25,000,000 25,0010,000 ) tons of suspended matter . At Lees Ferry . ( -C C ) . S . Howard ( Vol . 21 , page 3805 ) estimates that during the 12 months ending September 30 , 1929 , 131,000,000 tons of suspended matter was carried in Colorado River past Lees Ferry . San Juan River At Goodridge Bridge near ( Bluff Bhtfl' Bhtfl ) . ( According -According According ) to Fortier and Blaney ( Exhibit 68 , page 17 ) as |