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Show 28 Topographic features of area adjacent to rivers ( Exhibit Bxhibit ) No . . 99 , , introduced by Deeds , based upon the precipitation records of the TL S . . Weather Bureau , shows that flic rivers in the stretelies ulider consideration flow through a region receiving less tbail 10 ( inches inclies ) of precipitation annually . . The U . . S . . Weather ( Bureau Buyean ) records at points ilear the river being as follows : : r . rt , t ilncli tlveon ( Illvcr River ) ( "Utah Utah ) 000 , , . . . . ? . _ _ . U ? lu ) ini ) son 6.97 - . _ . . . . Cisco 0 . 04 . . . . . . . . . ? . _ . . Monh 0 . 20 ) Hnnksvillo £ . 5S I DlufC _ ' G . ) . 44 Average G 63 . . . . . . ? . Based upon this exhibit , official ( Weather WeathCT ) Burean records , precipitation map by Powell ( ExIdbit 53 ) and report on Arid ( Lands Lailds ) of the West by - Powoll ( Exhibit 52 ) it is evident that the ( region regimi ) is ( dis- dis ) tinctly arid . The vegetation is ( necessarily lie-cessarily liecessarily ) of the desert type with shadscale and sagebrush or other desert types predominating ( Photo . . No . 184 , ( Ex- Ex ) hibit ( 11-B 11B ) ) , ( Photo . 34 , Exhibit 77 ) . Baker , , in , Exhibit 551 ( "The The ) Colorado River Plateau , , " states that most ot the surface is either bare rock ( ( ( Ex- Ex ) hibit 145 , Photo . No . 2 ) or covered witli sand . quantity ( Photo 33 ( Ex- Ex ) ( G-rass Grass ) grows in a ( lin-lited linlited ) ( . , Ilibit 145 ) . . Large areas are so broken up that they support ( -no no ) vegetative cover . |