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Show 91 ( 441w-v 441wv ) cross sections show change over ( halfirthe haWthe ) width of the riveraveraging 8 ( inches inclies ) to over I foot and in the other ( lialf half ) of the section changes of I feet and averaging 2 feet . . . The text of Exhibit 75 and plates of Exhibit 76Y when taken in ( connection coiinection ) with the Army ( Engi Engi- Engi ) ( neers' neers neersi ) surveys , Exhibits 480 to 489 and 490A show radical ( changes chauges ) have taken place between 1909 and 1928 in ( channel ebaiinel ) ( conditions coilditions ) at the various bars and riffles and also that there has been a decided ( in- in ) crease in the flood channel of the river . See also testimony relative to changing condition of Green River , by Dent . ( Vol . 7 , p . 1251 . ) For evidence . of unstable conditions of bank see photographs in . ( Exhibit Exbibit ) 77 as follows : ( 1 -1 ) 4 5y 6y 7 8 9 141 162 171 , , , , , ) 192 21 , 222 27 , 331 33AY 101Y 102Y 108 ( , ) ) 109 . In other words , except where the channel abuts against rock or rock talus there is little or no permanency in . , . either bed ( or oT ) banks of Green River between Green . River , Utah , and the mouth of the San Rafael . Oral ( testimony testfinony ) by State witnesses tended to , show that ( the tlie ) only changeability in channel ( oc- oc ) curred at ( bars baTS ) formed at the mouths of side ( streams st-Teanis stTeanis ) and washes and at these localities conditions soon become normal when the river ( lias has ) washed the debris away . In connection with this testimony it should be noted that according to exhibit 75 only 96891-30 7 |