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Show 219 Osauw ( Lanylio LaugZic ) ( kept Icept ) ( store stoye ) at ( Liner Lhier ) ( from frol-11 frol11 ) 1898 . to 1905 . . Re transported ( household houseliold ) goods by boat from Liner . He cailie up ( Thief Tliief ) River ( through througli ) Mud Creek ilito the lake ( and aud ) . up ( Mud 'Alud Alud ) River using a rowboat . Four otherwituesses testified that rowboats ( wGre waxe ) used by settlers generally , ( inanj7 many ) of the ( flat-bottom flatbottom flat-bottoln' flatbottoln ) type . ( Harrison Harrisoa ) v . ( Fife Fite ) ( 148 Fed . 781 ) A gasoline boat , ( Government Goyernmeiit ) inspected , 38 feet ( long loiig ) , 7 feet ( wide iNJde ) , 5 feet wheel , ( freight freiglit ) capacity 4 to ( a' a ) ( tons tous ) ; ( drawing drawilig ) ( from froin ) ( 1 I ) to 2 feet of water was operated for a period of three years by a merchant wlio ( maintained maii1tailied ) ( wild vild ) game trading stations on ( vari- vari ) ous ( points pohits ) ( on oii ) Little ( River Riyer ) . ( ( E R ) , . 4487 449 . ) For ( many i-nany inany ) years a licensed pilot operated ( steam- steam ) boats on Little ( Elver River ) , the largest of which was 84 toils , ( which w1lich ) ( drew dreii ) 3 feet not loaded and up to 5 feet loaded . ( ( E R ) . 512 . ) Lumber rafts were ( frequently frequeiitly ) operated . ( R . 515 . . ) Boats were used for transporting ( cotton cottou ) seed , wagons , etc . ( E R ) . 522 . ) Lumber rafts containing ( thirty-five thirtyfive ) to forty ( thousand tboustand ) feet of ( lumber himber ) . ( ( E R ) . 555 . ) Another boat of 19 ( tons toils ) capacity ( Government Goveniment ) inspected , drawing 2 feet of water . ( R . 600 . ) In the years 1891 and 1892 oije ( witness Nvitiless ) brought down two lumber rafts containing 60,000 feet and 90,000 feet of ( lumber 'Lumber Lumber ) , respectively . ( R . 621 . ) In the years 1893 and 1894 a witness operated a ( steam stean-l steanl ) boat ( commercially cominercially ) , the size not given . ( R . . 638 . . ) 00891-30-15 |