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Show can row and some of it 176 you can tow your boat ( fclio the ) best ( "way way way ) you can . We ( have liave ) ( sand saud ) bars running behind a sand bar ( sometimes sonietfines ) ( had bad ) to turn and go ( back bach ) again and find ( sonic some ) little channel that you could get your boat through . " ( Mendenliall Mendenhall ) ( ( Yol Vol ) . 19 , page 3495 ) discusses ( the flie ) operation of one boat with two ( nicia-"worked niciaworked ) our way up any way we could ; rowed when we could , towed when we could , and poled some . " Nye ( Vol . 241 page 11.86 ) ( up- up ) stream ( operation opeTation ) of outboard motor , discussed ( fre- fre ) quent bar trouble and was just able to get boat through The Slide with ( motor inotor ) ( running ruiming ) full speed . Other ( operations operatiolis ) of small boats used in survey work and oil ( investigations finTestigations ) : ( Prommell Proinmell ) ( Vol . 6 , page 1032 ) ; ( Kirkpatrick Kil-lipatric1c Killipatric1c ) ( Vol . 15 , page 2679 ) ; ( Yundt Yulidt ) ( Vol . 15 , page 2774 ) ; Dobbin ( Vol . 7 , page ( 1308 10308 ) ) ; Hoyt ( Vol . 1 , page 157 ) ; Dent ( Vol . 7 , pages 1234 to 1238 ) . Cataract Canyon . ( -The The ) record throughout ( de- de ) scribes especially hazardous conditions ( in ill ) Cataract Canyon . Even the most skilled boatmen were rarely ( shown sho-wn shown ) to be able to take a boat through without a ( mishap iiiishap ) or portage . ( The Tlie ) record of the ( Staiiton Stanton ) expedition , Exhibit 176 , ( testimony testiniony ) by Kolb ( Vol . 5 , p . 831 ) ; Eddy ( Vol . 1 , page 62 ) ; ( McDon McDoli- McDoli ) ald ( Vol . 12 , page 2176 ) ; ( Edwards dwards ) ( Vol . 10 , page 1908 ) , Stone and many others ( , . ) , describe the ( haz- haz ) ards of Cataract ( Cauyon Canyon ) . Practically all parties were equipped with life preservers and only ( the tlie ) most experienced boatmen stayed with the boats . |