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Show ( upstream upstalealn ) ( from froln ) ( Warm Warin ) 178 Creek , states ( "if if "W W ) you lose ( I'll Ill ) minute you will drift back more ( than t-lian tlian ) , you ( can at-iii atiii ) , ( xnakc make ) in , ( 15 ID5 ) ( minutes iiii-nutes iiiinutes ) . " Barnes ( Vol . 13 , page ( 2586 9536 ) ) describes taking ( an ail ) ( 18-foot 18foot ) ( motor inotor ) boat , ( 18- IS- IS ) inch draft , ( upstream upsti-eam upstieam ) , ( from froin ) Lees Ferry to Dandy Crossing ( in ill ) 13 days ; average upstream progress 12 miles a day ; lined boat ( many mai-137- mai137 ) times ; wrecked three ( times thlies ) ; ( launch laillich ) capsized once . ( Freeman Freeinau ) ( Vol . ( 14 1.4 ) , page ( 25S6 2586 ) ) shows constant fighting of ( sand saud ) , bars and currents and riffles while six men took four boats to Halls Crossing , 119 ( miles iniles ) ( in ill ) two weeks . ( Average upstream progress 8 miles a day . ) ( Op- Op ) eration of boats and ( scows scoNvs ) as ferry boats to get ( sup- sup ) plies back and forth across the river , discussed by ( Weber -Weber Weber ) ( Vol . 15 , page 2626 ) ; Bennett ( Vol . 13 , page 2407 ) ; Harshberger ( Vol . 12 , page 2510 ) ; ( Menden- Menden ) hall ( Vol . 19 , page 3475 ) , described rowing and towing the boat from the ( mouth inouth ) of the San Juan River ( to 11-o 11o ) ( Hole-in-Rock HoleinRock ) . ( Kite Hite ) ( Vol . 20 , page 3612 ) describes how it took 13 ( men inen ) 26 days to bring launch up to Hite ; ( Kolb K-olb Kolb ) ( Vol . 5 , page 811 ) doubts if he ( would -would would ) be able to take a boat upstream through Glen Canyon rapids . Swi ( Juan Juait ) River . ( -The The ) farthest distance a boat was taken upstream ( on oil ) the San Juan River was approximately for a ( distance distaiiee ) of about 17 miles ( in ill ) the vicinity of Piute Farms . Loper ( Vol . 13 , page ( 2416 21.16 ) ) ; Miser ( Vol . 21 , page 3764 ) . The boat ( was vas ) towed the entire distance . ( Mendenliall Mendenball ) ( Vol . 13 , page 3468 ) describes downstream operation as 4 ( 'pretty pretty ) hard ( work -work work ) ( g'etting getting getting ) through all ( the It-lie Itlie ) way to |