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Show is between 1.0 and 1.8 miles ( G2 62 ) ( an ail ) hour for half the time . As heretofore stated these velocities may obtain approximately in the stretch from Moab to the ( mouth inouth ) of the Green except at The Slide . Above Moab , they will not apply between Castle Creek and Nigger Bill Creek ( vhere where ) the slope is ( much inuch ) greater . Velocities at The Slide were sufficient , as brought out in oral testimony , to almost entirely retard the upstream progress of a boat propelled by a 14 ( horse- horse ) power engine ( Blake Vol . 30 , page 5208 ) and at flood stage the velocity was such as to effectually prevent the City of Moab from going upstream . ( Testimony of ( Lumsden Luinsden ) , Vol . 4 , page 670 , and Anderson , Vol . 4 , page 731 . ) Colorado River at Lees Ferry , Arizona . ( -As As ) shown on Plate 5 , Exhibit ( 82-A 82A ) , the velocity in the thread of the ( current -current current ) ranges ( from fTon-i fToni ) 3 miles an hour during extreme ( low-water lowwater ) stage to ( 9j- 9j ) miles an hour at flood stage . As shown on Plate 7 , ( Ex- Ex ) hibit ( 82-A 82A ) , for half the time the velocities exceed 4-1 miles an hour ( and aud ) for half the time range from 3 miles to ( 4-J- 4J ) miles an hour . . These velocities are fairly indicative of the ( veloc-- veloc ) ities in the ( so-called socalled ) quiet water stretches which are shown ( on oil ) page 7 of Exhibit 80 and located ( between betiveen ) Miles 0 and 67.52 , Miles ( 68,72 68.72 ) and 100,17 , Miles ( 114.15 114-15 ) and 119.45 and Miles 120 and 147.92 , , above Lees Ferry . Elsewhere the slopes are |