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Show edges during ( ordinary ordinaxy ) flood ( 98 9S ) periods and by surface erosion . It is roughly ( estimated estiniated ) that the ( amounti-of amountiof ) ( canyon icanyon ) fill in these bars , including only that part lying above the bed of the river , ranges from about ( 1,200 11200 ) ( acre-feet acrefeet ) to the ( rnile mile ) in stretches where small bars predominate to 3,000 ( acre-feet acrefeet ) to the mile in stretches where bars similar to the Tuxedo Bar , ( mile inile ) 23 ( Plate 33 , ( Exhibit Mdiibit ) 76 ) , predominate . ( An Ail ) estimate of 1,000 ( acre-feet acrefeet ) to the ( mile n-dle ndle ) for the 95- ( mile inile ) stretch would be conservative or a total of , ( 95,000 95,00.0 ) ( acre-feet acrefeet ) which does not include an ( unde- unde ) termined amount which may be over 100 feet deep . This amount represents very roughly the canyon fill between the San ( Rafael Rtafael ) ( River Ri-ver River ) and the mouth of the Green River , which is now subject to change . Enormous amounts of sediment ( which -which which ) may easily exceed 25,000,000 cubic yards per year ( are aTe ) being carried into the ( canyon camyon ) as the result of erosion in the whole area tributary to the Green River . ( "Whether Whether Whether ) the Green River is now ( transporting transporthig ) to its ( mouth niouth ) all the material brought in is a matter of speculation . It is doubtful if information is ( avail- avail ) able that would demonstrate conclusively whether in the long run the channel is aggrading or ( de- de ) grading . The Green ( Eiver River ) , through the greater part of its course between the ( town tovn ) of Green River , Utah , and the ( mouth moath ) of the San Rafael River and in all its course below the mouth of the San Rafael River , is flowing in a channel of unconsolidated |