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Show 264 References Cited in Appendix B The first fourteen reference books were consulted for each of the twenty-seven etchers for Travels. Several of the remaining references listed were consulted for a particular artist. The remaining references were cited in the literature and have been included in the catalog, following the citations for the principal references as "see also." Four of the etchers for Travels-Bishop, Doherty, Laderer, and Talbot-have not been identified with certainty, and so have not been included in this catalog. 1. Apell, Aloys. Handbuch fur Kupferstichsammler. oder Lexikon der vorzGglichsten Kupferstecher des XIX. jahrhunderts welche in Linienmanier gearbeitet haben. sowie Beschreibunq ihrer besten und gesuchtesten Blatter. Leipzig: Alexander Danz, 1880. Reprint. Walluf bei Weisbaden (West Germany): M. Shandig, 1972. 2. Andresen, Andreas. Die deutschen Maler-Radierer (peintres-graveurs^ des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. nach ihren Leben und Werken. 5vols. Leipzig: Alexander Danz, 1878. 3. Andresen, Andreas. Handbuch fur Kupferstichsammler. oder Lexicon der Kupferstecher. Maler-Radierer und Formschneider aller Lander und Schulen nach Massgabe ihrer geschatztesten Blatter und Werke. 2vols. Leipzig: T. O. Weigel, 1870-1873. 4. Benezit, E. Dictionnaire Critique et Documentaire des Peintres. Sculpteurs. Dessinateurs et Graveurs. 10vols. Paris: Librairie Griind, 1976. 5. Beraldi, Henri. Les graveurs du XIXe siecle. guide de I'amateur d'estampes modernes. 12vols. Paris: Librairie L Conquet, 1885-1892 (not seen). Reprint. Lacques LAGET, L.A.M.E., 1981. 6. Bryan, Michael. Bryan's Dictionary of Painters and Engravers. 5 vols. London: G. Bell and Sons, 1920. Revised edition, ed. George C. Williamson. 5 vols. Port Washington, New York: Kennikat Press, 1964. 7. Hind, Arthur M. A History of Engraving & Etching from the 15th Century to the Year 1914. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1963. 8. Lonchamp, F. C. L'Estampe ie Livre a Gravures. Guide de I'Amateur. Lausanne: Librairie des Bibliophiles, 1920. 9. Lonchamp, F. C. Manuel du Bibliophile Suisse. Paris and Lausanne: Librairie des Bibliophiles, 1922. 10. LeBlanc, Charles. Manuel de I'Amateur d'Estampes. contenant Ie dictionnaire des graveurs de toutes les nations, dans lequel sont decrites les estampes rares. precieuses et interessantes avec I'indication de leurs differents etats et des prix auxquels ces estampes ont ete portees dans les ventes publiques. 4 vols. Paris: £mile Bouillon, 1854-1888. Reprint (4 vols. in 2). Amsterdam: G. W. Hissink, 1970. |