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Show -18- authority, of ftet, an4 shall be deemed te fee £e* r^r^fi o- t\ f/ r\ t o tin Ka q tt*-» 11«~»V\1 /-\ 4-^ 4I-1 r\ Q! -j-o -f-p. r< /-\f A *-i r^ California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming, aft4 the users e£ water therein of thereunder by way ef suit, defense, e? otherwise, in- aay litigation TxTC VV iXLKM o Ul L11U V/U1U1 ILkIKJ TTTTCr Ul ILo tributaricsr Seer +^7 This Aet shall fee deemed a supplement te the reclamation law, which sai4 reclamation iaw shall govern the construction, operation, afi4 management e£ L11C Vv Ui. IVa TTtrrTTrTT <XU.LllvJl li^U., 'CTtttrpT aTtJ ULUU VV iJL TTCT"vTiTT provided. Seer ^47 The Secretary e4 the Interior is authorized and QiroctCQ to maico investigation anQ puuiic reports 01 the feasibility ef project ZXTXvT vJTll irrigation, generation he? purposes ift the Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, a*i4 Wyoming ¦fer the purpose e£ making such information available te r*o 1 rl ^. 4-<\ 4- r\ o *~i -»-i r\ 4- r^ 4-T-* /"t ¦ r^-t~t r~vt~ r\r* r< o to /~l s~\ ~r -r i^T*'*^1^1 < *< I *~^ 4-< *-\ r~f ,o o<LtxLl O Ltt"LV^'o ZTTTTT "Cv7 T11VJ v^\_/TltTl tojj ClllvJ. TTT/ JLvJl lULiltLLlllti ct comprehensive scheme ei headwater control aftd the improvement a«4 utilization ei the water e^ the Colorado T^ t tt/-\-»* *-> -fr-i /--I if o -f-i-ir^ii-fo fino r 1 ^ n o °11 tn nf y^^r'o OOP .1 o TvTTCT" rtTTTT 1 Lo T1 lL/LlLill Ito. Ill vT oCtTTT TTT/ vp^ *\\J y\J\J\J To authorized te be appropriated from said Colorado X^'CtlTT TTTTTTXy V^Jl v^di L\_-vJ. U V o^L LUJll ^" T7T uino XTmrCj 1W1 purposes. The Secretar 4-/-\ ( r^TI "Cf v^ w 11 t the Interior shall annually n n /n ,1 ii TTCTTX TTT pertaining to the administration e£ this Nothing i» this Aet shall fee construed as a of recognition ef afty rights, H any, the use el the waters e4 the Colorado Riv occ. i y. i nat tnc snort title 01 tnis "Boulder Canyon Project Mexico te system. snail us |
Source |
Original book: [State of Arizona, complainant v. State of California, Palo Verde Irrigation District, Coachella Valley County Water District, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, City of Los Angeles, California, City of San Diego, California, and County of San Diego, California, defendants, United States of America, State of Nevada, State of New Mexico, State of Utah, interveners] : California exhibits. |