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Show B9xm CONGRESS 2x>Ssmiox S. 3331 IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED 8TATK8 February 22, 1927 Ordered to lie on the table and to be printed AMENDMENT Intended to he proposed by Mr. Pittman to the bill (8. 3331) to provide for the protection and development of the lower Colorado Kiver Basin, viz: On page 25, line 5, after the semicolon, strike out lines 5 to 11. inclusive, and insert: 1 Provided, That in the event no such compact is 2 entered into between the States of Arizona, California, and H Nevada, or between the State of California and the State 4 of Nevada, prior to March 4, 19^7. then there shall be 5 reserved for acquisition by the State of Nevada, its agents, 6 licensees, or assignees, at the switchboard, at the plant or 7 plants operated through the use of water impounded by 8 said dam, electrical energy equivalent to 15 per cent of 9 the total electrical energy made available by the use of 10 such impounded water, to be contracted for by said State, |
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Original book: [State of Arizona, complainant v. State of California, Palo Verde Irrigation District, Coachella Valley County Water District, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, City of Los Angeles, California, City of San Diego, California, and County of San Diego, California, defendants, United States of America, State of Nevada, State of New Mexico, State of Utah, interveners] : California exhibits. |