OCR Text |
Show i j to out txic purposes oi tniG ivct^ not exceeding m the a ft© money tructure .SBrrcgatc $^55,000,000. A I C\ \ , IXl S^\ T\T/\fl y f«T-l *~1 I I 1~\ j-t i-i.. 1 ex j IN v_/ VV Ul IV oxTCCTT T7\T expended ©ft ©f ift connection with the provided -£©f ift this- Act, aftd ft© claimed ©f initiated hcrcundcr, aftd ft© *~\ in •%. r plo 11-^-> r* 4- /^ 4-l-i /^ nr<n ^-v 4- clll v LIclilllD LU L11U LloVJ U_L ©f structures until the States ©£ California, Colorado, ^T r* t -\ r y TrtrTT approved the rtTTtX V V J1 oh oil Colorado River compact mentioned m jTS" llkJI L;L/X <!XlIvJ. ol'lCt 11 nrTVv ^vTrtCTvriTutrvT TT7 CT 'VV ixl V™1 oi ttttt i3rovisi0Tis oi LiiG nrsc pctT^iw^rciTjri ox xxTliciG 'Ai oi oCTTtT vTC7TTTT7Ctvrtr, Vv 111\_11 lildtlvUo "LHU otllilv^ L/HITJ.111 lltl V *J dijJJJl LUl y UlllJ* VVllv-11 iX LJjJl U V vJU. Uj CtLL.ll UX ^ •»-> ,Q,0 1 r\. r*/^r*4/i /^fl .T {~\ ojao. TTT odllvJ. oUL. L1U11 1 1T^ cLllLl said compact without condition save that ©I such ClJJjJl \J V illj tlllVJ. U.11LX1 TTtTT X 1 ColLUJllL UV JJUU11L, ^ Uy JJ^lUl vJ rtTT^r TTTt7TTTry" T15 tlLJLJl v^LJl I^ILVJU. Ul tlllj struction work done ©f contracted 4e^j the Secretary ©I the Interior shall make provision 4©f revenues, by e©n-tract, ift accordance with the provisions ©£ this Aetj adequate, ift his judgment, t© insure payment ©£ a44 ex- Ul U^JUl ilLlUll TtTTtT 11161111 HJlldill^U \J± tTTCxtT VV Ul l^-O 111 Vvt r 4-i-i <^ I I t^i -t 4- /"^ j^I ^^4- ntnn «~\ -«^ /^ 4- Vi r\ ¦r*f\-t^*-\ t t^-v< j^-»->4- t t t < 4- V* i -f^i. TTy L11C 'v^y 111 Lv^U OT^tt-vTo tTTTtT LllxJ 1 CLJdlyllivTlxTT. W1 Llllll fifty years from the date ©£ the completion ©I the project, ©I aH amounts advanced t© the fund under subdivision % together with interest thereon, g the period ©4 amortization the Secretary e£ the Interior shall receive revenue ift excess ©f the amount necessary t© meet the periodical aftd/©F accrued payments 4- r-\ 4- l-i r\ T T-»n i 4-/^/H ^.4-*^ 4- ^ o o q f^1'*O'ST1/nr*r1 1 fi 4-l-| (^ r^/-\-fr-i4--fr-o r*4- r\fr Tt7 L11U {J 111LCU. O LtlLUo do J7TT7vTTTCtX TTT TTTC V-U11L1 U,V_Lj Ul |
Source |
Original book: [State of Arizona, complainant v. State of California, Palo Verde Irrigation District, Coachella Valley County Water District, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, City of Los Angeles, California, City of San Diego, California, and County of San Diego, California, defendants, United States of America, State of Nevada, State of New Mexico, State of Utah, interveners] : California exhibits. |