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Show 866 APPENDIX C.- INSECTS. INSECTS. BY PROF. S. 8. HALDEMAN. THERE were but few facilities for collecting, preserving, and transporting insects upon the journey, and those which were brought home are few in number and in bad condition. Under these circumstances, Captain Stansbury has allowed other species to be introduced, which have been collected by Lieutenant Horace Haldeman, U. S. A., ohiefly at Fredericksburg and Fort Grates, on the western frontier of Texas; and by Mr. Richard Eern, in a journey across the plains to Santa F£. In the latter case, the specimens were thrown into bottles of spirits as collected, so that there is nothing to distinguish those which were found upon the route from those of Santa F6; but as the greater part probably appertain to the latter locality, this has been used to Mr. Kern's species. EEPFDOPTERA. PAPILIO ASTERIAS, Cramer. A specimen with the patagia yellow, and forming a continuous lateral yellow line with the spots upon the thorax and head. CYNTHIA CARDUI, Linnaeus. A specimen of this species, which is common in Europe and the United States, and one of the most widely'spread species known, occurring in India and Africa. On this continent it has been found * among the Rocky Mountains and in California. PlERIS PROTODICE. DEILEPHILA LINEATA, Fabr. (- daucus, Cramer). Harris, Am. Journal Sci., vol. 36. |