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Show whom respectively. And, Believe Me, Horatio, our friend, the Bucolic Boob, was some shark at the AcquiringCallaway, Hoock & FrancisImporters, Jobbers and Retailers ofCrockery, China, Glassware, Silverware Electroliers and Metal Goods66 Main St. Salt Lake City, Utah"THE DINNERWARE HOUSE"PROGRAMSINVITATIONSBOOKLETS, Etc.Printed on the Campus How ConvenientUniversity PressNormal Building U. of U.Phone Wasatch 6185DESERET NEWSBOOKSTORE''LEADING HOOK CONCERN"We have a thousand and one things you want, which you can not get at the University book store. Come in and peruse our Popular Novels and Magazines. Try some of our Fountain Pens, and examine our elaborate "Gift Books," all exceedingly apropriate for Commencement Presents.NO. 6 MAIN STREETof Unusual and Unnecessary Education. Inside of three weeks he had the Wisest Guy of the Cramming Establishment backed off the boards, and the Gun they called Prexy was on his knees yammerin' for help. Interest Paid On Savings AccountsBE GOODWith yourself. You have been a "Good Fellow" to your friends long enough. You have been a spender You have had your fling. No one ever called you penurious, close or tight-but-What have you to show for it?Why not be a "Good Fellow" to yourself? Open a savings account with this bank and turn your generosity to your own account. It will be a friend to you in time of need.Be good to yourself. Begin today. Begin in a small way. Begin with $1.00. Begin hereUtah Savings and Trust Co.Friend of Litte Beginners235 Main StreetWhere all the town joes up and down Such was the Educational Curtain Raiser of our Sagebrush Sage. Selah!217Keith-O'Brien CompanySalt Lake's Leading Department StoreThe foremost position in style matters which Keith-O'Brien Co. assumed at the beginning of the store's history ten years ago has steadfastly been maintained-a position strengthened by a generous conduct of business.We are now in our new new quarters-corner of State and Broadway |