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Show Ex-Board-Chronicle-Utonian Cellaret-in ActionCarrot Top, my boy. Those are pool cues. That's the life work of the A. F.'s. They practice day and night with the single hope that some day one of them may be able to beat Tommy Walton. He's an old member of theirs. He's a cute little fellow and pretty shrewd (mostly pretty, however). No, Tomm> isn't such a whiz either. What a mob? Yes, you see there the evidences of a crafty political mind. Fred Jensen was their medicine man last year and hethought to control spring class elections by taking in thirteen sophs at a gob. As Jensen saidi "It's numbers that count."Succeed? You don't see any A. F's holding Junior offices do you. Yes, it was a sorry stroke to take that gang in all for nothing.Before we move on to the Alphi Pis', Molasses Bean, I'll tell you the A. F.'s great pride. Not one thing in their house has been bought- No, they don't borrow either.While we are walking down to the Alph Pi's Freckled Bars, I'll spill a little dope on that Sopihoimore election. You see, Tete Rouge, the Alp Pis, want to go national1. They have been working- for years to that end. Their chances depended upon the number of offices they grabbed, this year. They counted on cleaning the slate in the Soph class. Murray the Mack, they were sure could hold the presidency another term. Stan Darger and Hank Ray nipped up. Stan got the Prom Chairman and Hank the Utonian. The minor offices they gave to some of the smaller fry in the Alph Pi's. Well, Reddie there was nothing left but the formal election, but then, thinking it over, they decided to make sure, so campaigning was begun a month ahead. They figured they had little chance for the Chronicle, so a coalition was made. The A. F.'s agreed to put Hank in for Utonian; the Alph Pi's would come back and push Lewis for Chronicle. Well, it was fixed pretty clever and they were about to cinch the bacon when the engineers scented the meat.The engineers, you know', Brickie, the engineers never have shown much style. They consider themselves picked on, so this little planning ruffled them. The result was that the engineers formed an organization. The election was merely a test of the strength of the two organizations. Art Lewis, the A. F. ally, and the three Alph Pis, handled their party well but Brig Young proved himself the master. It is only natural that the Engineers should have the better steam roller. Any way the Alph Pis left the meeting before half the officers were elected. They were dreadfully interested. Here we are! No, Red Top. Don't be rude; that isn't a barn or a haunted house, that's the home of the Alph Pi's, and it is even nicer inside. Sweeping the porch? No! that isn't the yellow dog, no resemblance at all! That is Pinky, the house boy of the Alph Pis. The best way to describe the Alph Pis, Vermillion Pate, is to describe Frankie Cameron. He and Pinky were their big office holders this year, but Pinky bungled the Prom job so Camie is their only talking point193 |