OCR Text |
Show 484 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Niphoea oregona, 316*. Nitrate of soda, 62. Noche, 175. North Fork of Platte, 243. North Platte Hirer, 801*. Nucula arata, 413*. Numenius longirostris, 820*. Nyctobatua intermedia, 376*. 0 Oak groye, 291*. Obione canescens, 895*. " confertiflora, 895*. GSdipoda corallipes, 871*. ( Enotbera, 23, 25, 27, 32, 48. ( Enothera albicaulis, 387*. " csBspitosa, 287*. " hispida, 68. " scapoidea, 887*. Ogallalah Sioax, 258. Ogden City, 126, 214. Ogden's Creek, 81. Ogden's Hole, 78. Ogden's Pass, 298*. Ogden River, 214. Ona- pah Creek, 294*. Oolitic limestone, 113. Oquirrh Mountain, 141. Orthis, 196. Orthis umbraculum, 412*. Orthoptera, 371*. Otocoris occidentalis, 818. Ovis montana, 812*. Owl, burrowing, 314*. Ox- bow Creek, 291*. Oxen poisoned by water, 63. Oxytropis lamberti, 885*. P Pacific Creek, 275*. Pacific Springs, 70, 275*. PahUtes, 148.. Palaeontology of the expedition, 407. Panag& UB distinctus, 373*. " caliginosus, 873*. Pannack, 293*. Pannack River, 87. Papilio asterias, 366*. Park Mountains, 239, 342. Parley's Park, 300*. Partridge, Blue, 826*. " Scaly, 826*. Paras septentrionalis, 316*. Pass Creek, 285*. Paysan City, 142. Pelecanus trachyrrhynchns, 824*. Pelicans, 117, 179, 183, 188, 191, 193, 195, 206, 324*. Pelidnota tripunctata, 876*. Pentstemon grandiSorum, 392*. Pequinnetty Creek, 294*. Peretyle, 210. Perthostoma, 870. Petenete Creek, 294*. Petroleum, 226. Peucsea lincolnlii, 817*. Peucedanum citernatum, 389*. Phaca mollissima, var. utahensis, 885*. Phalacrocorax dilophus, 824*. Phalangopsis, 373*. Philonthus comptus, 375*. Phlox, 28. Phlox hoodii, 894*. Phlox longifolia, 894*. Pholadomya, 402. Phrynosoma, monograph of, 354. " cornutum, 860*. " coronatnm, 360*. " douglassii, 861*, 862*. " modestum, 861*, 862*. " orbicnlare, 369*. 41 platyrhinos, 861*, 862*. Physalis lanceolaU, 894*. Physaria didymocarpa, 884*. Picus torquatuB, 819*. " varius, 826*. Pieris protodice, 366*. Pilot Butte, 281. Pilot Peak, 111. Pimquan Creek, 294*. PiBori, 111. Pipilo aberti, 825*. Plan of Salt Lake City, 128. Plants, 68. Plants described, 888*. Platte Ferry, 274*. Platte Ford, 284*. Platte, Forks of, 33. Platte River/ 272*, 289*. Pleasant Creek, 294*. Plestiodon skiltonianum, 349*. Pleurotomaria coronula, 413*. Plochionus timidus, 378*. Plover, 17, 27. Plover, Field, 826*. PoBcilus Bcitulus, 874*. i Polygamy among the Mormons, 186. Polygonatum canaliculatum, 896*. Pomont Creek, 215. Port Neuf, 87. Port Neuf River, 278*. Prairie- dog village, 37. Prairie hens, 17. Prairie squirrel, 812*. Pritte, 27. |