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Show {in EXPLANATION of Ike TERMS of ART. K V ' -3: "" ff". "uh ..».a.. -.-i 550 ed circulation of the blood, which noT ceifirilv l‘ucceed a fiagnation in the reffels, or" .1 firif‘tnre ol‘ the nervous parts" Tizbcs, a Confumptionim- Secondary[yr/111401775, do not proceed ‘Iabcs d- "/"s, fuch a leis of the familial mediatelv from the former dilea‘ie Dr a fluid as brings on a eonfumption. morbid inotion; but horn {cine other Tamara/Sim:,Tacnmahac,a Rofin. It is on, fupervening mule. The inllainrnation 1y of external ufe and is anodyne and ceof the meninges of the brain,iungs, phalic. It eafes‘pain in any part of the or fiamaeh, fucceeding acute or erupbody; particularly when laid to the tive fevers is an inflanee of this.‘ Betemples it farmetimes cures thetooth-mh, caul‘e thcfe fevers may exifi u'xthout as I have found by experience. A plaforth an inflammation, but as it lS‘ll'lé fier made of it and laid to the head afcfleft and produce of the difeaie, it is ter being {haved has cured denfncfs. called a fi'inptom. Miliary eruptions 74/124, is a foftifh tumor which grows on often {ucceed acute feuers, the {mall-pox the head and contains a kind of white and meai‘les, which are generally fatal . thick pus. It does not rife muth but ijim'lw, a kind of a Qiinfey which 15 enlarges its bafe. feared in the internal mulcles of the pharynx, without any remarkable ex- ‘Ta/L‘zzm, Talck. It has been accounted 3. cofmetic. Many attempts have been Vernal tumour or rcdnefs. In this the made to gain an oil from this fublhmce r‘ififituh'y of {wallowing is greater than but without fuceefs. . that of breathing, Tamarind", Tamarind. 8)".F?.'/‘/::U?S,i5 a Coalition of the bones whith Tamarifius, the Tamarifc-tree. The '> is l‘ometimes without motion when two is_ laid to open obfiruétions ofthe , bones touch or o. p ch each other, ram, and to attenuate tartarous humour:, either rwz'i‘bozlt rz medium, as in the The day/2‘ is from half a dram to two bone of the Forehead, the lower jaw, fcruples 5 in demotion from one ounce the 01/711 imam" " , {'34, or quiz/J a me- to two. (ll/m, as by a (a ag.‘ in the ‘mncs of the -r ft, the Yuri-fine, &c. This is 621ch Tanning», Tanl‘ey. The leaves are i1C~ counted good to open obllrué‘tiuns oftlie :t in the fiynchznt‘rqy‘ii. By a L: liver and l‘pleen; They are or'grent ufc conntxion of all the Joints, this is in the jaundice, cachexy and droply. term‘djj'xrw-Ffs. By Elf/J in the ScapuThe dofe of the juice is three or {our 1.1, the bone of the. tongue, Us. this is ounces. The feed has been given with fuccefs againfi worms. The daft is from , is a juné‘tion r-t' the bones with half a dram to a dram. bones of the T‘Ifilh'fi [rm-me, Mullein. The leaves are A r, T Carfirs, ill:rrrr2;:fi..:, ul‘cd externally in fomentntionsz are é'tc. or with no metro as in a good agninlt a tmcfmus, and eale the ' 57 and ganglia/[5. pain of the piles. ‘Zion of the honey mm. (Li/711m: fmv.' T‘Ertar‘um, Tartar. . ~ the boner. ofthe twists. the the connexion of two bones Twin, is the cartilaginouscxtrerrity o: Syn/f and»? puritiior eye-lids 5 us ulfo the {even bones of the foot. l‘a'nting or coming. ii: torinexion of hones by TM cm, the 'I‘emplcs. A 'zi/i': f/[D/i‘zzfzzr, the temporal i‘vlulrlfi a continual favor It arifes from the whole region or the J . . , . in) the glutinous liquor between the temples, paflbs under thejzzgurw, :rnilIS inferted into the acute proccls oi the , tout Icminir‘n, 30117th 5v nth/is >gnifiesall the hunt: oftne bones J " . . t' ‘ h (1 Without motion. :1 Syrup. 4 fl ‘ lwwerjaw. . _ Turk, a Tendon, is the continuation ofa llenderi hard, White, more is mufele and and annexed to the part to be mm 5, 15 a connex‘on of the bones uy ol‘iiqh. The fibres of which they are compo ‘ are united together in the manncr 0" i n Contraflion, In medic‘ne i'c .u‘ie colitraetitrn of the heart and ' this and the dining/e the .11'.,L‘.:‘1: of tl.i Linux .1 unified on. is a conflant defire of going to ,. n: g {tool 5 when at the fame time notmn us o:comes away out a little blood, muco um {ser ' (*125 ) e %J§*‘§hcfi"%cfi‘%fifi*%fi " ‘" " ‘33 "a "1‘53: #‘%#°K«»fir§%fi°%§§$ fi«§ 0f MEDICINES Afr/2'71 SURGERY. a SIIPain IS] the mall urgent Accrdent and molt to be feared next to :2 fl _ 47ml, Jagé', Anonxxgs and heucoric: becom e llCCSlidl'V to a gags it, and by that Means often (lcllroy the Callie. ' 4 I I ‘ h" shl my: cogfiils- m " tl en 'lcnfio n of the nervous l‘lbl‘CS , Emollients, W re) re ax: e Fibres are ganeml-ly (Irwin/'19, ulpeciully as they abate the letulnnce of the Humours which llow to the Part. When im- ;{yner are inefcétual. recourlc mull be haul to [\lu-cots'ix, which induce a Stupcfaellon. ) , A V V) r x SIMILI : risonvNos mt, Birth.). of warm lute-r. LhC llower s and heaves of emollient l lantsnlul as z-t l'oultite; the Farina of Lintce d and bmnugrceli, the (numb or white Bread, li'ollts of Figs, Sillion, the Pulp of Cry/2‘11. Milk. and froth Butter. Common» A); )in M5 are, Uizgzzmtum Dix/[lute Plalter ol‘the [Him/ages, L‘e . SIMPLE IVARCO'rii s amt-"hue Poppy-head; in Decoé‘tion, Hip/i {mmlu' Hemlock, common Nightlhzidc, deadly Py'ightfliaue, and 01mm: m a Cataplafin. REPELLENTS, by increafing the Elnfticity of the 5773/9, hinder the flair/r frorn contrnumg too long, in one Part, and determine the RLILIrn into the Lirculation. Ihtic are not iUlElllJlC to any 'l'umor "he": the 7575/5912 and Smut/liq are confiderable ; therefore they are not tried but in the Brig/717252.33 0f the Flux/m, when the Tumor is forming. or towards the Ell/2', when it is dilperlktl. They liltcxi ile ;xgree \‘.l‘.ll Ilia: .zl‘, 11'!th Caulivflmzx, and Smm'izx. When there is; no lfliiiilion of the lluniuurs, Refs/lent; applied immediately prevent :1 onuelliou ol Humour}, or at 3‘. leall hinder the Swelizng izotn being; can Gt Refill/[Mfr are cold Water, ‘v'inr bi) ‘. red Wine, Houfe halt, red Roles, Dragonoblood, Bole Armcnic, \jr . EMOLLIigms relax tended, and augment Advantege nborc other To; Mae too much ex- ‘ , -li:.\'e this ng {ji‘plleil m ,i'huu. . 1"};1‘ (if What Kind foo-Rf, they pi", ,. :. ;UL'HCC, whereas others may incrcafe tire lnllamma‘tiwi, and lll'll~.:;' Llicvu (itgcilcflltu into a Sal-ir- m; or Canter, when not ai‘plis'l t :i pzoiicr 'i‘nnc. Flux/firm are ll tilw oi "311ml "riots, l'lmwrs. ruul Leaves of i\‘«/.l.liiQrV.3£1llkl ..' .alh ni'illmnh. ha... Mr I Mercury. i)\(‘(l{ of white Lililus, lgul‘r'eil. Ilium, LinJL- il»0i!, Oil of. lncct Almond), 1";th oil, Ointme 1: of i‘.'l;i:‘th>:nr.llr>ws, 531'. Rx SOLVi-N'I‘s (ff- .i' anil drip/11mm the [hits a ed Illilili)!ll‘?~, put them in Motion, and incruale the Spring of'thr: Minds. Commons-"tn t3 reduce the llagnzuiug and cosgulated Humour; into their nutmnl Titl" and (lil‘poll‘ them to pal: thro tall the Form, or to circulate win the ml of thc Fluid;. [Cg/Ziyl‘. J r; - u‘v‘v 1" Erllllllll Jl |