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Show 231') Of [/36 MATERIA MEDICA.‘ it 1111' {0111611111135 for three Days together. Q Given thus it cures 111r' 5..1O\11C%MW. Gea/fiwy has known a fingle Dore cure the Pahy 01:13 11101101: e He remeinmends it in 010111129 e Di {Ordeis of 111 '313101131151013" 3‘1i01les. i ' '7 .NTS COEEi'LIqu and firenwthen the libres, inc1'a11z1tci'1'Iv Fluids, 1ei1en the Diameter of the "C 1s, and 11: aiten the whence the1 are confisiidating and conghitinating. When 511C1111113d1C101111y in 1'11":11101111iges 2..0d 1111 ' 1V111‘chie1, n11<1011en 111dUCCf1L'11'1'c'57 (‘m - ‘ :1.1111cat7'z1 11p 1111111435, . - the flute Colour W111 the h101i'ei'110m :1 7.157 111:: :1 . a'peii-1'1t, £111. ‘ .7 'eaf‘t, 1. i '111d {11:11medic andhypediondijac 111116111 .1 UNIV; £11.11 1 ' 1 -» 1' 1,4111; U‘.C13\\"'1‘ 1 r' :com tenacicns V11L'id Humours, heavy 1",ai1is the 1'a11y. and . ' . ‘. 1, .5. (12151151111 ~ . ‘ .21. 1:1 1.1.111 1 ‘7' i ""15' he 0:11.111; 111 the .]2/vf:221..11ee11'0111 12.1.1191' unitfs the {TM/11;»lm are c1e' the «t. ' '.' (1'1 80rd; thr. z11e1'(dge'l £1 .10 '1‘. Thev :11": h "" 11111111ng . , . ' vainxerciL . '1"1-..7[.1-".'97. ,_ Mr .171. ' ff 11051.7,1110111111‘1J'Qrbc at teniptc L1 1011131011." Isn't." ;, 3111 .7: 31:, .»{'/2;: 0' 1' the famCL0111ur .1. 5111.113 the1 100.1119 are :11.j-.'C'.1'1'.:Ch attehd 111. 011. C15 the itregnhar Niotions aie appeai'ed, diverting the 1'1um-r:u1s.'.. the {.1116'7711111610 ot1.e1'1..1.- "'1.'";.vg.7,2'.rlai'e 01f? it U10 1.12117 ' 7/573, V.‘1 1211 [118.101. 001 the Ln. . .1111.1.1111". 21.1.1311? C111e3\'.'hci'e .111 ‘ 'zz, Ove ' 5 the1‘./"'1'..." 11.3111; nages .1010. \v' 01111.1. 1'1210011, 1.1110115 hr'omitinw 1, and IL‘yfentcties Put £111 .‘11‘1111'1 ‘e uied with great 1.91: ton, as has been j1111 0111e1've11. ‘agnatim ofthe Humors 011.1015 the \11- the 11h1'esac0r1firiéLej, and the .4: iteict W111} 10.111-115 from 3151 to 31.111(jfrmgm. I 1. 51C .- 1.. '.."1, Owens." ‘5"..- -~. flower with fii'e white 1eta1s, :1 id . a: the Bottom with yellow fipices. : i~1t.11:111:‘.30 11."111"JCI11€I‘ ‘ '- ,1, 101121, and turns into a globous Fruit ver'" \‘.":E1 1.1: wn. 1' '.. 1.5 ("1 each 16.: 1;; ere are two .fi1j1€7!({1'{‘£'f0!' [5111117 the 3 ‘ = " 5- he01111191'11 1'31't01the Peel 15 relolie t, 01101;: ' " a 0'1":1t Carminatwe, ..nd is woodin the 11.: 5.: the Stomach :11d Pains 111"" 1111-.."1'11 111'1110'1115, 111:1 p5 1.J.' "111101., p: 01.1C:c; t. .c 1,11'111es 1111', the .'...7.' , C. C511. 511/IUS AR01v1'flTICUS, SrztsEt-jma/mq F/{w 11115 1110;111:532 ' ni'pe e1egant bpike like 21 Kind offn/m ; its Leaves are :e :1101'e0 . \ h1r:1 21:' e 111010911 1c 211d 1weet-fr:e11ted and dii‘iinguifh this P1111: 111.111.1111he s. 1116 Rootis genernHy commended 1'01 111'enw'thenini' '1..- 1510111: C11 ,rd11Cu‘hvgW1nd, eafing Uiipes, re101vin0' Obtiruétions 0 "1611110110 an(1 3010.11, and piom0ting the Menfes; eMotion 0.‘ the 131' Swim.» 1118 1'21 1:111; \1' arms. ' 012w it is a bpeci 11C in L'iihcifly and i'.'.'1U)1'e1'1..011\1 Uiine. 1110 D0,". in 1'0"" ei' is 110m S'j. to 7i. 11.1: 721266 15 teni 11.11:; 111111 ptic and .mien1y diuretic. 3. 110111 315.103; 11 4.1 rofziccous 5.. it is 111e1‘111 in 0:'ga.1115 011111 i-fe1111111'1eat,:1nc1 hyniziomatic T111111. W 1th othe. 5111:1110 11:1cs it is e.1ce1.entin the Scurvy. B. thCBay of Carries/2w" 12110111..it: principfi \Ii1'.t . ":1is to cure Ira/[714' 1 we Cunces 0r 11111'pec11. 1 ..Cdin :1 0331101111111; and a (}luart 11 W $31100111.11211 :1 lea Cum .1111 1111111 be 11111111 (316131 two 110.12. 09"" 510/ be boiled in ms Cums of Water 10 13:1; .....-, (la-"W 01 a Pint mayXbe tahcn thi'ce 01' for.r '1 111105 .1 "'0". B.\L‘.13.""\'.,1 17. 15.7.1. "11.1515 we11 known to 311.T1'.e R0::15 PW' {erred by: ;. 10 the Deccttion of 000115 110011111 the VFW5‘ D1010, eé‘iiecinfly 101' 1.1.1.: 111:1t aiC‘ cmnchted 311d 01 tel. (101' (011111, :niions. 11.71;} 111. of 1707;." 11.115 (ui'cd 0171.10 11'); by a Dcc0.110n 01 this R001. 1: 1t 1'0111111e11de.1 for (:11 E77.".11, .1, Loniuinption, 3.11112 17111'111C'nt flitting. 1.01110 pi'111C' it againi'ithe Gout. lhe DI.» 01 [1‘ Of l/C'W'W. 1113'1.01:1;tc11iC. c111. 1112' s \‘ifi'h ‘1'!" 11‘-1'111Ytic Di10rde1's but1: .5 (‘hit'11‘ 1'3:111 1'0'.,'11e1' 15 31. {W In Lecoetion $1101 every Pint of "1"" C11NELLA A13 Jul ' "1151113111 Pipes likeCinnamon, hut is 13% 01:0whitiih yel1ow Coiour,1't Crows in ‘ " It18 not p101:c." 101 1101h1110115 CC-111‘ 11‘ 110111 713_ :0 ~1' 12115011 111115 it promotes L1'1ne,nnd expels Gravel and {111.111 Stow:. ,. 1'. 1'a111 011111; 51:12.11 11kmin 11 111te VVme is a {01' erful Diuretic 1 511. "\UUU51} ;.1\11_.D1\. 101cu1i1>uslover c0111'11'it'7 . c 11111. 1. E "Wyn . and comprehcncied ‘1). , 111 {alumnous a ' 1 |