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Show 27 Of the MATERIA MEDICA; Of the MATERIA MEDICA.‘ Senfe of Coolnefs; of a very l'trong odorii‘erous Smell, not unlike ()31 ofS 'ke. it is wholly volaiile, dillol'dng readly in lpirituéus r oily Bodie. and when it '5 {ct on Fire :t is not why exting .lhed, not Univ burnitg in the Air but in the Water, for wh ch Re.1ontlieyu1";it in tome Sort of Fire-works. Carp/Inks is an efiihcitus [fiat/i . If' and la .nrfic. and is in high Eileen; f 1' its good lif'fetis in n lzgnzxxt and epidemicul llcvurs; {or i pcne'rates like lightning t..renghthc wholt Body, and increa es infcnfihle l‘erlpiiat on without railing toni- motions in :l.e illood, and puts the flagnatihg Humour; in Motion in the melt dillnnt Pat's promoting their Expulfion. lt renuer- the Bloou mot fluid. leilerii g at th lame Time the Quantity of Semn. In malignant Fmam proceeding fr 111 an acrid or putrid Iitate Girlie Humours. Camp/736 pOuerfully corrects the \crimo y, ex. els the putrii Matter through the cutansous Pores. preventing an lziflaniniatiun or Mo:tification when thert is a 'l‘enzlency thereto. lt i‘eiliains Hemor- rhage» in acute teverw b; firengtheni g thu Veil. ls, and prz-motc» c-itical and peri diral Evacu tions. V» hat has bten {ad is, chitflythe ELEMl, a Roflfz. 279 That now in Ufe is brought from Bra/.7. and is of 2 yelloivifh or gi'eenilh whixe, {O'llerlat tranfpcirent. and rcictnhles the Rohn of the l'inertree Tne bell is pellucid, fat, touch, and of no unpleafmrt Smell, :1 little like Fennel. greenifli, it is n tu‘cd infirm-div, but externally ; it is excellent in Applications to tender and extremely {airfiule l'nrts, chiefly to Wou us of the Head and skull, to Puncture-s ) to Wounds and l‘umois or :li-e Joints, Tendons, and icrvous Ports. FULIQO Libl‘ll. Hint/,4" 'i his is (if n {hin in; hlsclt \ olour, a dilhsrcehble smell and an a. ixl bitter 'l :u'lc it is clhelly tied in her- V0115 ,lml hyi'l'eric C5 is. Taken in Vim ‘ r it is re cnnrcntled for re- lohrmg gru nus Blood from llruifes or 3 ails, (ind 13,-? mi: 31%. or gj of it is taken in Wine, it u 3l tale :1 Pluui y by U hers my the fame .n Colic; an!J t e hylle ic l‘nliion i:ec..u 3 dues the rigid which orll'ud, ii': nervoul limits. it has lit-:11 cilcemed in splei‘tic {.3 es GALBAN This is the (‘OIl'l‘thfil ~luice of rm rays, if Sweet. it u?» i'leil 1y .3 j/ZK-[rmz Fla: t of firm, and that Cami/21ft hm cured. the Fox, onl; premifiug a Fur c. the ler'ulziceous lend. and is oil :i iiiit‘iui: Suture lt'\‘.'CCl'1i :1 (Sum llolin. it i; a yelloWii'l‘i iht is " "leer zicril cilfigrehhle Smell. the i and th-t in recent Llaps :1" one Medicine can equal it. except in h} tier-icul Senl‘e 017 qfiE/smz. to whih he adds, that it expels even the earn-ml in [mi .' ,mers, Plum-z]; 5. and 1"_/:'m/.r7:mrmy fife/'55, m en thtre is a Tendency" to a zrf.firtzt;ri1. intenle Heat. 'hirfi, or when the Skin is dry 11.; parched. whether before or after a L‘eliiiuni is come on, (,2 Hr Jo a! th'I/a Titre produces molt happy thefts foon rehei'inn the Symptoms, and 0c alioning a calm file p and plentiful Sweat: runabout fatiguing the Patient He farther obl'erves that Camp/{rt by it: anti plilo;~il'ic Qualit‘. prevents tut Mad Efletis of irritating "led cinesi en. that (fzzfsz‘ai‘Zz/ei'. mvzflyiizmlarz'flg Nat/3:11;", and Dru/"£2701 by miiiitg a lit'le Camp/um wi‘h them, hec nze much more mild and fate. lg: Power rn correcting Crew/7 r; js the DiicOi'cry Grammy/t. mil-ulnar See Larszva'idar. 'i'he Dg/e i; from gr. iii. to aj. dzllblscd in 0115 ' or ii a l-éolus. 7971/1731: who is v ry lo.itn to achnovledge its \ 2i i lay: it is very er‘licagious in the [fwd-(2:17, Cfacy: f h Opl'r/fvzu'zm‘a. [in whch it mull be laid upon the Eye with CEUU‘OH‘TITL hung about the Neill) JU/JI‘PJIZ'I‘I‘E Ddz‘riziflzr, cat;.;'r/5n/ 706th nth. inhiéll' matio J ofth Frat, Va ' 5/3. P/eym, Lz-ver, Spleen, tile Iii/(752ml. ‘/'v ' I "fife/i1." I"1;.n_ mm, 0(2ng , 85c That it mitigates the Heat of U1 .‘ Sta/255;, and hum; to the [Vick ailnys the acute Heats of .nfunts [73'1" fpiradon, zine rc alls ~Wests when driven back, ,. CA'l‘HCHU, "flap/2214': vii). This is the intp'fated luice 9f .1 "f" in the 50/5 177135 5 l'ul'PSl‘Cd to be the Tim. it is reddilli \ilil‘iill V " * broken, and mel's when held 11; n the Tonue, h : Tulle zit firl‘t, but f"-.'eetilli RfICi‘\‘.'£ll'(ll:. l: conlhis of: moms Partic'es; {or a ityntic 'l‘intiure may he (3: :rit of Wine. and itwiil like-hie d'fiblve in \' Ailring'uir. and lerves t" l" iei ' and 'l‘onfiis, aha es {Plitiil r of blood. reltrai s Qatar; .12, COI‘I‘»U ‘ _ piell exte: All} to th )i‘mt. l.l;e :r i the l'gnt a , w ill. l: Motions 0th.: L‘ ._i1;c~) Li‘n- ,_ \nhi {75 or the and 1; good in the rainy. c in inihitunce iilioui 3j. to Bj GUilllCl Gt". Mi. Cum Simiazzmz. This is a [Cm/Err and not :2. (Inmhough {o exile and is oucrgirtlly brown. :zni lumczigitesalittie i‘c iii. and {ometimes greeniih, bi tie, 0th,: llcill Tulle and 05110 ddhp 3 ihle Smell w 3‘1 kindle} , lil'e that ol‘th: Wood. This has much the LLJHC Virtues as the \Vood, and is of very grey. lsn‘rcacy agninfi the khcunmiifm and wandcrin g i‘ains all over at and is often pre‘c.‘jbed in Elec‘iunrics i0" that mgr/olel , its are more cerein when dillblved in Sl‘irits :1" Wine fluffy/111,1; (j; I wonder it has never been 3:. wed in the ('lzirs "£59 far it operates without griping or Sitliucis. and its attcnua‘ . .ns Opening txualities render it Very ihitable for moii "lironie Dif- taxes. their 15 the Dropi}, laundice, Gout, [.m- 1'}: ea, flecpy Dries. for the {amt ltetii'on it is good agar. ': Dreu‘es . and where there is Dull-nus, i'lcavinel's. or tor-For of the liq/é. as an iii/armies, is from gr. Vlll. to _ :_ .00"; .n Tl r3 . .- As a , "j. to 3ij. whilfi QUCL'US Kiwi/1m ‘f/zi'e. TM; is containeilin a memnuns Bug ol the :iize of zil'ea, which i: throw: ihiniiig, and of d,covered with :L line Down or ‘ col, :l Hull. lt is l" A great Number off "i i ' ' i ‘ ch rubbed ugcr pour out a crimiiin Liduo‘o n lLl‘ULiCi'lL) hitterilh 'l‘zisic, 11;) d; any « Smell. :‘t .. 1L,. the l. ' and render ' . .i ,i i‘ ': Phlcgm, ltrengthcns tne :‘tomach, limp,- :jigeri ion, anti UAN'S , . ,1, \'1,d . . . K . ' l - m L‘aution is g )d in ‘ \ luxes of- the ‘ NHL" hey and Over-fl: owing; oi.4" tnc ‘ rm { MC A "ax/7;, In 1 mt Years, in [if/v lt i; (l Lorlii‘il |