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Show mm - iv 0f the DIFFERENCES of DISEASES; 0f the DIFFERENCES of DESEASES." 52 ASPASM of the Bloddor, with Pain, is a proternalural Con ric- 53 followed by flyivoring and flailing, with a fovori/l) Difordcr ; the zion of the Body of the Bladder and its Sleinél‘or or Neck; as alfo Pain incroafis as the Shivering docroafu, with a violent "Ton ion or of the URETr-iRA. It is attended with a Strangary, in which there is it) great a Pro/fare upon the Puoos that it feems to he diflicult to rctain the Urine, whereas it can only be expi‘elied by Dilacoration of the ligaments, {ometimes like the Gnawlng of a Dog. The Pain is {0 cxoui/ite that the Patient can hardly bear the Sheet to touch it, Which lafls twenty-four Hours from thefir/i' Drops. A RRHE U M ATISM, called by fome an incipient or WAN. DRING Gout, is known by grievous Pain: and Spafim in the Invafion, and then the Patient is fuddenly at Eafe. HEMORRHAGES or ERUPTIONs of 1723 BLOOD. An .HEMORRHAGE, or Bleeding of the Nose, is aprofafi j‘oints and orb-or Parts of the Body, often' wandering from Place Eruption of Blood from the fine Arteries of thepituiiary Membrane. Add to this a Tene'fiim or frequent Defire of going to Stool. to Place. It is {Gated in the ll/[ufclos and their common Mcmérana; as ali'o in the ‘l‘izndons where they are inferted into the Bones. An ACUTE RHEUMA TIsM is attended with a Fever, and begins with Cloilnofy 11nd Shivering, which is followed by [nozzle Md: and Tbiifl ; a Heat about the Prcecardia. The Pal/o is gzricl? and fli'ait ; the fi'motito is 101': and the Body co ivo. In a Day or two the Patient feels a racking Pain, {ometimcs in one yoinl, ibi‘nctimrs in another, but more frequently in the Knees, ll/ri/li, and Shoulders, ofton flnfting from Place taPlace, and leaving a. flirdnofs and Swelling in the Part laft vilited. The LUM BA Go, or a lilommatifm oleoe Lains, is a molt violent Pain in the Small of the Baclc, which fometimes extends to the ()5 Sacram. It rcfemhles a Fit of the Gravel, only the Patient does not vomit. The TOOTH-AC H, ifit be long,/l)arp, and violent, is a Kind of a Rlnzziizzatifnzof the nervous Coats and Ligament: at the Roots of the Tirol/J. ' "he OTAL G I A, or EAR-AC H, is a grievous rlaewnatic Pain in the ll/loata; dziditoriar, or of the Cavity of the Ears, from a flarp Serum extravafated in the nervous Memo/rang lining the Moai‘zzs daditorius. An HEMOPTOSIS, or Spitting of Blood, is the bringincr up frotloyflorid Blood from the Lung: by the Means ofu Cozzgl). D VoM 1 TrN G of BLOOD with Haulr Stools, is the [War/ms Niger, or lilac/é Dzflzafo of h'zfpocratos; the Blood being coagulated in the Stomach, is, when brought up, of a very dark reddi/la Colour, mix~ ed with much infipid, acid, or vilcid Phi gm. The HEMORRHOIDAL FL UK, or flooding Pilot, is reckon- ed a Difoafo, when it continue: long, ahates the Strength and hurts the Digcjlive and other Faculties. An HEMOR RH A GE of the UT E R US when immoderate, is called the Over/lowing of the [Men/oi, and is attended with Lofr of Strength, [Want of dppotito, 'Craditios from Indigd'tion 5 a benfe of Heavinefs about the Region of the Stomach; a load Corr [our of the Face; a languid frequent Pal/2', with a flow Favor; an crdornala: Swelling of the Feet, and a Dylmlod arircfi‘zylling Sleep. An HJEMORRHAGE from the URINARY PASSAGES, or Fading of Blood, proceeds from the enlarged, broken, or eroded Veliels of the Kidney: or Bladder. The SAN GUINEOUS APOPLEXY, or I'loemorrbago of the Bram, proceeds from an Efuflon of the liloorl in the Brain, from the Burfling of the Veffels of the Pia l'i/I'ator, without external - The BAsTARD PLE URISY is 21 Sort of Rbcamatifm of the Sido, which arifes from an acrid Serum within the Pleura. It icldom requires Bleeding, but will go oil with a Diapborefis only The Set A 'r I C A, or H I P-G O U T, is an olflinafo and violent Pain of the Hip, arifing from a Spafm of the Ligament: which Violence, whereby the extruvafiitcd Blood occupies the Bil/75 0‘" the Brain, which fuddcnly extinguifhes the vital and dni/nal ["zmctzom. It is known from the Rodnof: of the Clmls and florid Co- lour and Swelling of the Face, efpecially the Temples. DISEASES afefling 1/): MIND. connoo? the 7oint5, and therefore is chiefly floated where the Head ol‘the Ting/2 Bone is received into the dcctabalum of the Coxrrzrlir. GON A G RA is an arthritic Pain in the Knee, CH E I RAG RA of the Hand, A DE LIRIUM is a Diforder ol'fliort Duration, and is an Att‘endant on fevei'al acute Fevers, in which the Patient talks idly, like one dif'traé'red, and feems to be dreaming while he is awake. A ST R AN G U RY ariles from a Strioi'ure of the Sphinc‘ter of the ME LANC HOLY is a drong, livrly Working of the Fancy, with Bladder when the Urine comes away with Heat and Drop by DMZ): a fixed Attention of the Mind upon a particular Olzjco't, together With a Delirium, a condant Dey'or‘i‘ion, Dread, and Sadne/sywith- The Porn. G K A, or Go U '1', is a very painful Difoafo feared in the 705m anl Ligament: of the Foot. In a regular Fit it begins about two in the h‘Iorning generally in the great ‘12:. This 15 followed out any manifeit Caule. ADNESS is a Delirium with a violent Rage, attended With E 3 Raflmgi |