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Show 376 Of ENtwinins to 55 made Yfldflflg 2‘0 m PATiEnT. " fl" m thence, Often defcend to the Childrei ; and the Practitioner fhou', be ii formed thereo cfpcci; lly in the Beginnn ()bllructions, and generates Gravel. Next, Enquiry mull be made into taci: Kind of Drink; for ifit be temperate, a ‘JCGUS, and diluted, it is more healthy. Hence grols nonrilhing: Malt-liquors, t'irpecially if llale, aswcll as Wine and Spirits, drank upon an empty Stomach, tend great< ly to the Deitiuétim of Health; for hence then/c5711 are indurated, iolypous Concretions are generated, and the foil-fair: of the Huniours i: (,‘iiturbed, whence a Heétic, a Cochexy, :1 Empty, an Apoplexy, and ridden Death. When a Man wants plenty of Fluid to preferi't- Health, nothing can ol an acute Diieafe. l7»; But if the l‘ei-lt S, there are great Hopes ofrecoverlug Health. V e are not only to examine the (Jami/2 '07: 9' «lei {Tc/fin but the Slate 0/ ,5: Mind, and what Dillrrdcrs it is liable to ; i‘ecaule there is a wonder. ' Conneflion hetueen the Mind and the flatly. For a greater Trinity and It'fobi‘i"" of the l'ibre; and Solids V Xe: the Mind to , whee- i v lhews the l'crlon . await-ad, 12'; r t, and frmfll. On tli: or: ‘r hand, z'lfli'r'gfr encreales the Tone and Contractions ofihe Tiolidr and renders the lcluids more impe- tut)": but "i"‘irzrz'zz'zn dillolves and d .Jec‘t the Siren bth, whence the Circulation of the he \i‘orle than to drink too fparingly, for the {r '1 tubes become obli;ut'tedtherehy, and are filled with vifcid and giors llumours, which are fruitful of various Dil‘eales. Belides it is neceflflztry to be known, whether the Patient has drank the flur- face and extreme l‘airs ofthe li'ody, and drums the Blood with: interior common Thing to drink too freely and quickly 0:" cold Liquors, alter tilt 'do‘ is more llow. jig-rm- greatly tonl‘tr'iiges told Liquors when he was in a Sweat, and exceeding hot, for it is a and noble i'artt, the. the 1"; ; r ‘ and Hmif; wlience proceed irritvous Dilbrders, elr‘ec ,.l'y ofthe Ge n: 1V1?!" [2.4172, which it enervateflnl renders lixercile or Violent l'ai‘lions of the Mind, or :1; ‘ a critical and altitary Ltcretion ot‘Blood; whence the uncle Oecononiy oi" the vital Motions :iid Func‘tions is dilturbed and perverted. ii‘ilbiiiucli that Fallon melt chino: have a more lpeedy or pernicious Operation. . languid. The lame may be laid cliSué/zztj/r, which olteii proceeds Delet' from a, t ot‘the i" "era, and a faulty Circulatio n ol'tlie fluids; as in the ogre/Bindrz‘nc P 'm; but when its hurtful influence artzi {stile folid llnqiiy inul‘t be uncle into the 'r‘arts, it wonderfully de} its the Strength ofthc whole Body, and hurt; its li‘t‘nttons, relaxing and lcfihning the Strength ofthe Fibres. {the Illmiis no: com" it‘d and (it lial‘e, but {ubject to V; ' tin Pal: {ions and Coniinotions, Di e (es are t*u:ed with greater culty, there- fore Enquiry is to be made wl ther the Patien t is no" ' ; Mfr/[ring Emmi/2, or" 'ur a 50/1/2113 aS/zm' it fled to hard g, and to profound and fatiguing lrleiitation s, Which is COH‘rH‘tO'l ; wh mimic , and are fond ofm 7:127:4/ Lzzr: Parts; whence ti 2572;; {or are iubjeél to dangerous Dilezzies of the 1' mil, {I‘lil its Sits/"'[r/zzger ; ' ‘ , fifefin/ bet . tins, and indtietl \-, l,‘.,'i id Wain/Q if Mun-tom. 1t tli:;e oetween the pm}; W ' lmrflim. they .i an erlil‘fitfi benrc; \‘Jl:eii:.eli"- c). .~ 7, roubird mm a had Liga _,'. tion, Celli i'emls, and the xx,- ' "My to confider the Place where the Pirtie ' led to ' the , Si'inds, hr ‘ rid his 44/711! [)rst. l'laccs that iiLl'llltl l ' f more pure and l‘alulxiou‘; nir; [him that :trt' lczv Breathe an Am \Lwricli is more condenl‘ed, more thiclt and full of impure \ al‘ours ; hztr which notliinu can tend more to 81161711" Slit" ' ‘115 and c." ' :) Aflct'iOiis, and toileltrov the V'lrrour 3nd Stl'u‘ngih er the Folids. ' ; , llPll I, . i is 7?ii, l .l :l " ° VVi'l] Regard to Dirt, Enquiry mul‘t be l‘i)£l(lC \‘vh >20"y. and li\c upon l-"lelii that is {monkdr-e , to which there who live in maritime Plates are accul‘t onzed ; ‘ ' ‘, whether it he [iv/1mm, or ‘ the Perlon be a, (jail; ‘ :i : Wli'et'llCI‘ he be COnVCl'luI]! :- lies ; 1E". mgr/am to thol‘e of the Erezait ; Mai, /‘J 5/ b'lef/jlxtf) Coughs 52:1 :‘ifiliinns; [Hymn to Allhnias, Rupt es, and burlling ol the \ ellela 53‘ lllL‘ Emil; Yul idiom/rim, to Dire." ; ol" the Head and Stomach ; " iii-x 5;; for, H, '7' , and Silt", to bliort M‘s ol‘llreztth; LFflf/i'h‘hi, an"; uertinlly cnclieélic and liydroiiical ; Ix'mmcr: of Rare; are otten i'illii." with a Shortnels (rfBFL‘flth, and rpit Blood ; Cm‘frjnrr are lub- int/en e thinning c F forties the Spirits, and brings on a Wealtncf's ot‘the Brain and new»: namely. {in 4:; ' it ‘ ‘ can hardly be ima ' and r linernis, \' worl; at the lire; for every lti'id of hill: 5 particular Bakeries: thus, L'm/Igr; are lulrjegtto Dirt-z. .1 ol‘the ; apply theinlelves to the Surly of the fife/Ml If, I‘ z 377 Some delight in ChCCi-C, and feed upon it iniinoderately, which pI‘Oduces m isin Strength and '\ igour, which appea rs from the Motion and lnipulle cf the l‘lUlCl as a lnxity and Defect ol‘the ['21: Y 53,: lubjeft to a Djfcrafla, or after-[writ J»:;z¢rz'r_;~, which is endemic in male Parts. Or whether the Patient £7213 been ul.:d to eat Summer-fruits, Salads, farinaceous Things fryed with Butter, Eggs, and liich lilo; f~ lor brat/it 4f)» [mixed/rift: and [filial/s .t are n10;diflittlt to be cured, more readily return, and tire the i‘liyficimx‘; Fatzeiice. it is lil:ewil"-: necellhry to know the Sir" 3:517; whether the Paticnf'g Spirits are low, 'Weiiznej's zintl Lownels are then had Signs, ,70 ': L to lore Eyes ; DQ'g/Ji-r/rm are apt to be blind ; P/tzyftz'rrr are luliieét ‘l‘rortnels vit‘ilreztth and Conttiinptions; PIC/if) , wz are liable to his or bl‘C?ltlll"g. and Droplies ; Allin/(EN qfO/Y are cacheetic and . 'tic ; j7_/,;,-_y,/,.,.,- are misfit": [o PulllCS ; ii 1': /'a!}/lcrivfil‘c generally taletudln .s, cnclicfl'ic, ;md pai‘al} tic; F i rrmriz have LilCLl'o in their V "a; Palm; are lubjeft to Coughs, l'loarlen t's. and Lippitlfél'u‘s 3* ' ll 35 II Lo: igpation of the Pores; Curran: g" [Murry are lizlifiét to 7 Vertigo, and the like. 4 ' there are no l‘erl'ons but what are apt to be gulty rl‘an lixeels of ii‘ (1' or other, it will be neceltliry to inquire into. tn tr lJiut,lJI':{1l{, _ ell, Exercifg, Ulb of 'I‘Ubg'cco, 55}. in our Age the d‘llll.llllg of (ref- -',‘ 15_"t‘l‘y common ; [Ji‘ptcbwzdriar Patients are generally excelhrc in me Lie of‘Medicines ctr-d other 'l hinQ‘s ; all which luriors have ionic l Ucucc upon [hc Body, and ought [Owl-m) C, qtiired into :vndv‘conlitlcrccl. : ‘.0.llCr 'l‘hing to be examined is the Exrrrrz'ozzi, lor iinleis thelc are $5937, Health cannot be maintained, and therclore il they 'me'too ' ' p entilul, |