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Show A-,;_ one»: 2453 Of 1/36 MATERIA MEDICA. Off/'36 MAT ERIA MEDICA» Difenlcs, in the l‘nlfey and an Apoplcxv from a cold Caufe, The firm" Err/S" -: are l‘epper, Afnrabat‘ca, Intro/rim; pracz'p/tatm, header in, "him hileioxe, and Ez/f't'u‘rffzrm. Th‘s lnht is dangerous ; and menu Powders mill be tiled with the turmoil Cautio n; for though, a; "slates, they have cured the (9mm Sarina, yet it was not "Ethan 'ng the Patient into molt Violent Commotions. But the by]; 1;)». F. FOENICULUM DULCE,'S-wegt Fer/7m] . This has a rofitceous umbelJared yellow pentapctnlous blower. 'l he Petftls are plnced in a Circle , :ng are {stated in the Calyx which turns toa Fruit compoled of two oblong "- 7 rfui' is the \r'atery Extract of 1" uzmz Gzzaz'arum reduced inn) mickilh Seeds, gibbous and llriatecl on one Side, and plain on the other. The Root is the principal of the five opening Roots. The Herb gentl y Ponder. "in" it has not only a ftiniulating but a lirengt hening Property, and is friendl y to the Nerves. dillolves the too thick Crafts ofthe Blood, incirles vifcid Phlegm, and renders it more fluid. It is likewiic erient, diuretic, fudorific, peé‘toJ EXPEC'I‘URAN'I‘S are loch as promote the Excret ion of amucid L's/5M from the Glands, or rather the Hinnuulms Coats of the a!!! m rahand febrifuge. ju- Um and the Bronchfa of the Lungs, .,m whenc e it is thrown up and evacuated. In the Choice oftheu: it mutt be obferv ed, that when the I. :m- is 1/}57: and avid, rid the Tubes through which it is to pafs con. rers with Malignity. llriFt d, then thofe EX; iorants are beFt which are emollient, {heath lellriefs, Sleepineli-t, Pain of the Head, and other Signs of)": bad Di- gellion, and of‘a mucilaginous Phlegm collet‘led in the Stomach, it is ol‘very great Ute ; for it incides and attenuates the Phleg m. mildly (le- 17"?ch a Plenty 0f Mic/é Mat/er fig; . w 7? ;-'-'~ , , tl‘cn l'icfolvents are neceflhry ; as Veronica . ltl'vp, 5' ' .. trctic Salt. and flibiated Nitre. Likewile l'ucn 'l‘hings as llxwlate the nervous Coats of the Bram/Ji ll to ltxcrctitn, inch as Gum :‘hmmoniuc and its Tincqtnre, Spirit of Sal Amnioniac (1' i~ fattd, Myrrh, Benjamin, the l'ovt dot of the Root of Elecampane, l'loIcntinc Urris, precipitated Sulphur, and Ballam of Sulphur . [MM (1 grmm- .;nr it rtlvm/g‘qg, as in the pituitou; Al'thma and the luffocatiiig (Intarili. then Oxymcl of bquills and Squill-pills wiil be ofgrent Service. In the 17/23 qf Esty‘rii'oml‘xr: we muff further obfcrve, that if an zit/Mfr Ctr/£1» rage. 1 the Spain; or Autumn, no ftimuia 'ting l‘v'ledicinc‘s mull t *t given be'orc the thin amid Matter is temperz tted ; nor on the contra'y mud we yrefc etnollimt and rel ‘Xing Remedies when the Matter ., detollcd :xnn prepared. 1»; a moi/f (bro/1.,» (‘7‘; y, and [f u'rnu fl/h'vw, wncn the Lung are llufed with l'l'ilcgm, facet Things. Lohochs. u‘v "11" and Oleoufi "ulillunces tend to weaken the Stomach, Which I» already in 3 low State. and dellmy the 'etite, Digellion, and Chxlifi :‘tinn. iil‘nl by that Means promote a greater Quant ity of l'hlt'gm, v liCll lid-13‘'l'czrlency to bring on a Cachcxy, ()L‘ClCIDflfO' ‘ Swellin of the DUI"). in [l‘ln C. "c it will he belt 10 order balfzv nie Peep/r} <, 'l'Im‘lU'U ‘I P\J)'l‘i h. m Gum .mnmeniac, cfSaflhfi'as Bath, Stirit of Sal Minin‘nhifl a!1;i:1tctl,€l't(lll1" He likewile affirms nothing is more lhlutary than a Decoétion of the Herb or Root, or Seed, in the wre'zf les and Small-pox. Efmul/rr commends the Root highly as an Antinephii tic, and good in Pains ofthe. Kidneys and Strangury. When there is Hickne l‘s, a Nau- 1'32, Belching, a l-lcavinels, Tenlion, inflation of the Stomach, a. Lilt- Acrimony. l coagulate the thin Phlegm, {uch as Liquorice, Sal-Finn, chrnia Cetz, f‘w'lallows, wild toppics. Cream, Oil off-Nest Almonds, in} ,w/‘Vzm, 11rd ligrtfnorn Collies. Simm Pan/1' lays nothing exceeds it in putrid Fe- terges the Stomach and recreates the Spirits. lt acts in the {nine Mun- ncr in the Intel'tines, and for that Renfion is Very ellicncions in the flutulcnt Colic, for it expels 1Wind upward and downward. For thcle l'urpoles the Powder of the dry Seed may be taken from 31%. the Sluith Sugar in Wine before or after Dinner, or the Seeds whole may be eaten candied. This Seed likewile promotes the Generation of Milk, by rendering the Chyle more fluid. Some recommend it in Diforders 05 the Brenft, in Al'thmas and Obitinnte Coughs mixt with other Pet5l0~ 1".l3. [:2 Dif/Em'err oft/{72 Eygi and Dimitry/5 0f Sig/3f, 2'1 2'1 (fa-my gram! [fl/z}, tl‘po'inlly when they are hurt by poring on Books by Candle-lig ht. In this Calethc Powder of the Seed lhould be taken with Sugar every Morning Falling. l‘UENU (iRl/ECUM. FHZflgrc'F/l', the Seed. This Plant has :1 p"- [llmtacetus Flower, from the Calyx ofwhich ariles a Piltil which turns trim Hat cur-niform l'od. full of rhomboidal 0r renif orm Seeds. They '~ "and with a fort lenient llucilage, but are lelclo m ufcd internally. 3 » ‘flrfliy they are given in paregoric Clyl'ters and for the Tale/mm. llty are alto pro" , to obtund the Acrimony ofthe I‘lum ours, and lo 'y the Place the abraded Mucus of the Intellines, in Loolctielfes lllC bloody 14hr, . '1 hey are likcwile ulbful to {often Tumours np< no in emollient L'uisrlufms. ‘ l ‘ . I ' .on of tire. . than 1min -‘ il‘irngi that \K ‘ ' "3 k e mm? P. ' ter mo' nor l‘tininhml tor they izji: him c the Afllux and Longeiizon of ' the blot; 311" HULK than remove them. 7,-1 (5.27m ADJ/rm: a. ‘ :' ‘ '9 5‘3 z/ .«7 Flinn-w and For." any. pec‘torsints ally in the llcbinving. Left the Sm be increrfeal ; but when the D iuit be czit'nouli aid inliammatory 5 the is decli :11 nolt dichzll‘ed, Chen they will be prop ning, 317:1 the er to promote the thitl; cotird Matter from the Lungs. G. pl‘ANTlANil. Cur/fay, the Rant. The Flowers of this Plant are ,znwu Ina verticilatctl Mann'r, and are inmoiveiztlous, campnmform, "PHI Uuznquei‘iilons, and of a pale yellow. with :t l'illil that rile; from the 3 ""11 l‘ertnmtr‘s the Flower and afterwards turns into a membraA tun-i ntonomplum; bivalvcd ,Fruit, full of. llut, roundilh, foliaceous, ' "1 Jilil'n‘ R‘dtl‘lh tds. That Root is belt which is old (luflty Colour ,, L‘C‘ Jul red; within, and of an imenlly bitter I'nllc. ThC-"C " [33‘3" a pommous Rom imported inl‘rcud or (Ir/Mim i, but it is white WHJIH ,k |